El Al Airlines recently announced the cancellation of 12 scheduled fights that were scheduled to depart from London to Israel in the coming months, Channel 12 News reported on Sunday evening.
According to the report, for years, El Al has has a popular regular flight, Flight LY318, that departs on Motzei Shabbos from London to Israel. However, during Daylight Saving Time, the check-in procedures for the flight must begin before the end of Shabbos in order for the flight to leave on time.
Now that Kenny Rozenberg, a frum Jew, is the controlling shareholder of El Al, he decided to cancel the flights to avoid Chillul Shabbos.
“The company has decided to toughen its Shabbat policy,” the report said.
The thousands of passengers who have already booked tickets for the canceled flights will have the option of rescheduling to a Friday flight or receiving a refund.
El Al confirmed the details and said: “Due to a change in Shabbat departure times in London, with the transition to summer time, and due to the restrictions on departures from Heathrow Airport, we had to make adjustments to the flight schedule. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to our customers as a result of this change.”
(YWN Israel Desk โ Jerusalem)
15 Responses
Hashem should bless you
Screaming headlines. Was Mr. Rosenberg’s life in imminent danger?!
@not getting involved: no need to publicly declare your ame ratzos….
Mekadesh shamayim….pun intended
To the ignoramus commentators that require a definition of Mekadesh Shem Shomayim (and Mechallel Shem Shomayim):
When a Jew publicly keeps a mitzvah strictly because Hashem commanded it, THAT is a Mekadesh Shem Shamayim. The converse is also true when a Jew c”v publicly desecrates a mitzva (e,g, chillul shabbos b’farhesia) because he defies the will of Hashem – that is CHillul Shem Shomayim.
As an aside, those ignoramus commentators should try to get a full refund of their yeshiva tuitions – they got nothing from it.
Kenny is a great guy, heart of gold, always tries to do the right thing. one of the first and still very active Hatzalah Paramedics in Monsey and Queens.
Maybe a message saying Jews shouldn’t go to UK?
This is such a blessing for all. What a gift you are and an example of a true Angel.
this is why its so good to have rich frum gevirim, from the tzadik lazer scheiner to the other rosenberg to the schrons
My local grocery store also closes for Shabbos. B&H Photo is closed on Shabbos and Chal Hamoed. Every Frum Yid I know, does not work on Shabbos. This is not the turn of the century when shmiras Shabbos was a serious major challenge. My issue is with the screaming headline, as if a Frum Yid keeping Shabbos is a shocking revelation and major chiddush.
NGI – when you pass up a lucrative financial deal and lose a fortune of money strictly because it would involve chilul shabbos (instead of looking for heterim such as mechira l’akum s’char shabbos etc) – then that would make screaming headlines.
How many frum-run Amazon businesses are selling products on shabbos?!
How many frum-owned hotels, factories, nursing homes etc are fully operational and making a profit on shabbos?! (Yes, there are heterim, but this frum yid was not looking for heterim!)
Smarten up! As a supposedly frum yid you should adhere to the mitzva of being an “am novon v’chochom”.
Not getting involved:
Are you actually comparing an airline to a grocery or electronics store?
You don’t need to keep on doubling down – it’s okay to admit you said something stupid. Or at least shut up and leave it at that.
beautiful and inspiring..
May all the ehrliche businessmen who value Shabbos be amply rewarded.
Shabbos ends very late during the summer in the UK. Heathrow doesn’t allow late night flights. There is very little time for check in procedures and aircraft preparations to begin after Shabbos.
There are goyishe airlines that Shomrei Shabbos can check in after Shabbos and grab a late flight.