Hamas Terrorists: The IDF Hasn’t a Clue Where Shalit Is

Responding to statements made on Monday by IDF Chief of Staff Lt.-Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi that Israel knows where Gilad Shalit is being held and who is holding him hostage, Popular Resistance Front terrorists in Gaza released a message stating it is simply not so.

Spokesman Abu Mujhad stated “the IDF does not have a chance regarding information on Shalit, adding Israel tried using various means, but was unsuccessful in learning a thing.

“Ashkenazi must come to understand that Shalit will not see the light of day until we have a respectable prisoner exchange agreement,” he added.

“The IDF chief’s attempt to encourage his troops without really having a clue as to his [Shalit’s] whereabouts only shows the extent of the crisis in Israel against the resistance in Palestine and Lebanon. Israel has lost all its deterrence abilities.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel

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