Yisrael Beiteinu chairman Avigdor Lieberman responded to the Chareidi boycott of Angel Bakery by showing support for the bakery.
Lieberman published two photos of himself purchasing challah in Angel on Thursday evening, writing: “On the way home, I stopped to buy challos for Shabbat in Angel Bakery. As far as I know, the State of Israel is still defined as a democracy and people are allowed to express their opinions. We won’t allow Chareidi askanim to harm the livelihood of Israeli citizens.”
Meanwhile more and more yeshivos ended their contracts with Angel, including Wolfson Yeshivah, which has over 1,000 bochurim, and many other large Chareidi and Dati Leumi yeshivos, Talmudei Torah and other institutions.
Yeshivas Mir of Yerushalayim had a preexisting contract with Berman Bakery, as a sign posted on the main door of the yeshivah on Thursday attests:
There were numerous photos of untouched Angel products on social media on Friday morning. Many people also posted photos of themselves buying other brands for Shabbos, including Simcha Rothman of the Religious Zionist Party, one of the architects of the government’s judicial reform plan and chairman of the Knesset’s Constitution, Law and Justice Committee.
Deputy Finance Minister Michal Woldiger of the Religious Zionist Party wrote: “I understand the Chareidi sector. Now that Omer Bar-Lev is the chairman of a private bakery, he comes and pokes his finger and belittles talmidei chachamim. I don’t feel comfortable buying at Angel either.”
(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)
41 Responses
Ah Lieberman what a צדיק
What’s amazing is that Lieberman will have a Shabbos meal tonight!
This might possibly be the first time that Lieberman celebrates Shabbos! The whole boycott was worth it for that alone!
I understand the imperative of protesting the bizoyon to the Golden Hador. Harav Edelstein shlit”a himself asked not to respond to the chutzpah of Omer Bar Lev. But in these pictures, I am counting the losses to the individual stores. Do you believe Angel will refund them?!
Justice for all,
He will probably cook it on shabbos too
To LIEberman,
Last I checked democracy also means the ability to boycott a company
justice for all – you do know that (a) many secular Israelis have a Shabbos meal, and (b) Lieberman’s wife and daughter are religious, right?
an Israeli Yid
totally forgot about this. I always buy from nechamas and punkt today bought angels from my makolet. My bad
@justiceforall Ki eshmerah Shabbat, Kel yismereini……….
Who called for this boycott? If it’s not Rabbi Edelstein or other respected Rabbanim themselves, then I believe it’s not right
Hey he lost weight!
ביזוי והפסד אוכלין
א. המאבד אילנות וכלים עובר באיסור “בל תשחית”, ובמאכלים עובר גם על איסור “ביזוי אוכלין”, אשר דיניהם מפורשים בסוגיית הגמרא בברכות
I might be wrong, but there’s no way that even Lieberman could eat enough to outweigh the thousands of yidden who aren’t buying Angel this week.
What irony!
He can share his challah with his frum grandchildren.
A Gutten Shabbos to all.
This is ridiculous. I really don’t understand why purchasing consumer products should have ANY connection to politics. It’s a ridiculous trend which was started by the left in the US, was picked up by the right there, and now has made its way to Israel. It’s really a situation where no one wins. Do you really want people to be divided by whether they will eat Hershey’s, drink Bud Light, or buy at Angles? This is really a shame!
Also, I don’t even believe the story. Maybe in a few bakeries this happened but probably not in most. Also, they’re hurting the bakery owners who already bought this Angle bread. In additon, its pretty silly to stop buying from Angle’s. There’s really only two big bread companies in Israel (Angle’s and Bergman) and now they’re limiting competition by only buying from mostly one company.
And are people really that triggered that they let one person in a company dictate their view of a major company with a long history and dictate their personal purchases?! Seems severely overreactive to me.
what is the whole hullabaloo about angel?
What’s interesting is the sefer called “the story of bread, receiving the torah”. Magnificent.
Ashkenormative yiddishkeit
The other bakery is packed with people just not yitzar maybe….
I bought 2 Large Angel Challas and now i am on my way to buy BudLight….
This a Kiddush Hashem! Klal Yisroel united in standing up to Bizoyon Hatorah. This also shows the Leftist politicians & the media behind them that it’s time for them to compromise & get used to the reality that the religious public is united & won’t accept their dictates.
Bravo to those that organized this boycott!
The stores didn’t lose anything.
They are only required to pay for what they sell.
Whomever needed challa bought a different company from that store.
all things pass. some bakeries seeing a potential for greater profit will overbake. I will remember to buy more from Angel’s next time I’m in Israel.
it is not clear what will fail first: the boycott or the government.
Since many of us shall be eating מצה tonite בזמן אכילת פסח שני this may also have exasperated the reduction in sales of חלות this week
I’d like to point out an important fundamental general point to the editorial board of YWN (and to its readers).
Many times we see screaming headlines here of KIDDUSH HASHEM when it pertains to a feel good story, usually one that puts us in a good light in the eyes of the nations.
While those episodes might indeed constitute somewhat a Kiddush Hashem, it is of a lower degree.
See RAMABAM and others who state that the main concept of Kiddush Hashem is DAVKA among us ourselves. V’nikdashti B’sochom.
The headlines of this particular story should have a screeching KIDDUSH HASHEM!!!
Business shouldn’t be mixed with politics
It does matter
And why would you want to give your money to people who hate you and what you stand for when there are other options? Only a fool does that.
I had meant to give credit in my previous post to commenter Haimy for pointing out the Kiddush Hashem.
If rav Edelstein did indeed ask us not to reply then the most respectful thing to do for him is listen to his directive-and not reply! Too much bickering and devision is going on-let’s try to limit it as much as possible-that is true ratzon Hashem!
Yabia omer
You have to stop your racism.
YWN should not allow it.
It is a chillul hashem
Most importantly, you sound foolish
How is it that some Frum Jews have such disdain of Chareidim? No matter what the circumstance reported, some people feel the need to inject their bitterness about Chareidim & leave a negative comment about them.
Some vocal leftists who hate our mesorah & wish to eliminate Torah Judaism from the public sphere, brazenly enter Bnei Brak & demonstrate against a 99 year old sage. These are the eiruv rav referred to by R’ Elchonon Wasserman as being the internal enemies of the Jewish people. Thousands of Jews decided to show their concern for kovod hatorah & decided to boycott the company that employs this Rosha. The Sour lemon Frum Jews can’t bear this! What about Baal Tashchis! What about Sholom! Why mix politics with business? What about the bakeries? What about……! When you hate someone, you’ll find a way to twist even the good things they do, into something wrong!
My question is, why do some frum Jews strongly dislike their chareidi brothers? They might be different than you, but why the sour grapes?
I much prefer this type of economic boycott to express disagreement than having a bunch of hoodlums throwing bricks through windows or burning dumpsters. This is legitimate political action versus the mindless violence we often see from both sides.
It’s not racist. It’s commenting on a mentality. One that is very extreme.
@jerkoq12 my not buying from a store is called ביזוי והפסד אוכלין ?
@Ahren Looks like they didn’t consult with you when they called the boycot..
not good to waster ‘bread’…….try to find another avenue, feasting is a gift….I know this is to mean something but with Lieberman the , tub of lard, full throttle who knows, all I can say …..we love all Jews, we don’t have to love some of their paths…..Korach , is but one example …..even gold gets tarnished and even a thread of broken glass can make a diamond ……I walk only with the Chareidi and always will……if someone has the kindness and obligation and gratitude to Dave and pray for our wellness all day then we must be grandful for his time as his time can change a blessed moment of our lives and gives us JOY….shame on the left…..
FYI Leiberan’s wife is a a frum shomer shabbos woman. I’m sure she has already has challos for shabbos. I wouldn’t even be suprised if she joins the boycott and will not use the Angel challos……
@gadolhadorah. Agreed. (This is the one and only time I agree with anything you have posted.)
Liberman is a virulent anti semite. He hates orthodox. So he goes out of his way to support Angel, but it won’t help. Angel is a losing business.
Not buying Angels either. This boycott shows one thing….if all Chareidim joined together (as in this case), just think what we could achieve.
It seems that Angel and Lieberman have invented a new minhag to sell chameetz to a Goy on Pesach Sheni.