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SHEER JEW HATRED: UN “Experts” Call For “Accountability” Over Terrorist’s Death, But Not For Terrorists

The United Nations is not bastion of Jew-loving. Far from it, in fact. And while the UN is constantly trying to make issues for Israel, sometimes its actions are so deranged that they deserve some sort of medal. And if there were medals, a UN team’s comments Wednesday would be deserving of one.

After Khader Adnan, a Palestinian terrorist who called for Arabs to commit acts of violence against Jews, was arrested and subsequently died due to a voluntary hunger strike he chose to go on, the UN’s “Special Procedures” called for “accountability” over his death.

“UN experts demand accountability for death of Palestinian hunger striker Khader Adnan & condemn Israel’s mass arbitrary detention of Palestinians as ‘cruel’ + ‘inhumane’. How many more lives must be lost before an inch of justice can be delivered?” the group wrote on Twitter.

The tweet was accompanied by a picture of two women walking past graffiti art of the terrorist refusing to eat food from Israeli prison guards.

Did these UN stooges post anything later on about the indiscriminate firing of rockets at civilians in Israel? No. Did they at least call for accountability for the terrorists and their leaders who have killed some three dozen Israelis this year alone? No. Did they demand that terrorists at the very least keep their fighting isolated to the Israeli military, rather than civilians? Of course not.

You see, Jewish blood is cheap. In their twisted minds, the death of a terrorist, an animal who made the decision to kill himself, a pile of dung whose calls for death to Jews incited countless Palestinians, is all that matters. For that, there must be accountability.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Can’t figure out why the videos are posted of the army entering to carry out the raid .Of course the jew-haters will jump on that .

  2. insane unacceptable and evil, this world by now should have a peaceful blend and acceptance to all human beings, they are not…this is the fault and collapse of Christianity and Islam…may all these rot in gehinnon….this is where they belong and these people belong there too…..217 years till 6000 and is totally unacceptable

  3. Just look at the mural in the secury council room at the UN, their dreams had always been to see nazism revival.

  4. If more people stand against UN policies, we won’t be in that situation. What I found quite disturbing is to see how this terrorism is engineered by the usa, then they have the nerve to send some weirdos like Blinken stating “here, we gonna take the strongest anti terrorism measures from now on and will provide you billions as well.” Meanwhile, the terrorism machine is financed in a different region and promises of “human rights respect” are given to others people. American hegemony is over. Sick, are these people.

  5. it’s Israel vs the world

    even the christians in America will turn on Israel once Israel (rightfully) starts kicking all the christians out of the country…

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