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SUNDAY FUN: Police Officers Raid Mea Shearim, Remove Palestinian Flags

Police officers on Sunday raided the Mea Shearim neighborhood of Jerusalem after Palestinian flags were hung in the neighborhood as well as sprayed on the walls of the neighborhood.

The police officers led Jerusalem municipality employees to the places where the flags were hung and protected them as they removed them using ladders and painted over flags sprayed on neighborhood walls.

The operation was carried out relatively undisturbed by the residents of the area, with no major riots taking place.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

17 Responses

  1. On April 30, 1945, at around 10.30pm, the scarlet banner of Victory was hoisted over the Reichstag in Berlin. On May 8, the act of unconditional surrender of fascist Germany was signed. The Soviet army saved the peoples of Europe from fascist slavery.

  2. It is disgusting that they fly the flag of people actively engaged in murdering Jews. It is stupid and unnecessary for the municipality to remove the flags. Let them be busy with the arabs who advocate the annihilation of the Jews!

  3. Leave them alone! It’s a waisted effort!
    Your talking about a makas tzefardeya here. you rub out one, and another ten appear somewhere else…..
    Sunday fun for whom….

  4. This must be against the halocho
    Never mind supporting our enemies
    It’s causing a Chilul Hashem to make secular Jews hate on charedim
    Makes the majority of orthodox Jewry
    hate these actions
    Well at least they get there overloaded
    Donkey help first
    IT’s abhorrent

  5. It’s the opposite of chillull hashem to make secular jews hate charedim

    secular jews hate our shuls, and our torah, and our families, and our future. Shall we give up on all of these to appease them?

  6. It is a very well-known fact, a matter of recorded history, that the Jews living in what is today The State of Israel got along very well with their Arab / Muslim neighbors until . . . Until the Zionist movement began to gain momentum.

    Many of the families living in Meah She’arim – descendants of early members of the “Old Yishuv” (many of whom settled in Eretz Yisroel with great mesirus nefesh and populated the area, and developed the area with similar commitment – simply wish to live peacefully with their neighbors of old. As they don’t recognize the modern-day State, naturally their allegiance is to the Palestinians.

    As far as Chillul HaShem goes: Doing the Ratzon HaShem can never be a Chillul HaShem. I am not saying that what they are doing is the Ratzon HaShem, but their leaders, who are standing on the shoulders of their leaders – all great people – certainly understood this to be the Ratzon HaShem.

    Another historical fact – one that I written here numerous times – is that prior to the early 1900s, Gedolei Yisroel – almost without exception – all agreed that forming a secular sate would be a big mistake. They were clearly against it. The split came only after the state was a foregone conclusion.

  7. @shuali Not true at all. There are many stories about the troubles the Arabs gave the Jews long before the State of Israel was even thought of. And the Yiddin did NOT live in peace with the Arabs in Muslim countries EVER. While we fared better under the Muslims than under the Christians, we did not fare well, for the most part. While I am sure it will not convince you, you can read a little about how much the Jews suffered from the Muslims here: and and
    In fact the Rambam himself wrote about how the Muslims persecuted the Jews. See here:

  8. History aside and ideology aside and religion aside ..Where exactly is Mea Shearim located ?
    Which police do they call if an outsider Has Ve Shalom attacks a resident?
    Which air force protects them from the rockets from Gaza?
    Which army would they call if are new riots like there were in the 1930’s ?
    The Jordanians ? Or maybe the Zionists ?
    Are we really supposed to believe that if all the Zionists would go away we could live in a Jordanian Gan Eden ?

  9. @motchah11 – With all due respect, I will stick by my sources, my mesorah, and OUR gedolim (for the following reasons.

    1) I am not familiar with Jewish Virtual Library
    2) Wikipedia is likely one of the most unreliable sources as articles are not subject to any fact checking.
    3) Jewish Action is agenda driven and would likely never blame Zionism or the State of Israel for ANY increased anti-Semitism.

    It is undisputed fact that Gedolim from Eastern and Western Europe, from “Litvish” to “Chasiddish” all agreed (eventually) with the outlook of what is commonly thought to be only that of Satmar. The split between the Aidah and the Agudah was over the question of how to deal with the State once it was formed. But the ills it would bring and the number of sleeping dogs which would be disturbed was unquestioned.

    In more recent history, we have seen time and time again the increase in violence each time the State flexes its muscles.

  10. ‏עשו ‏שונאת ישראל
    The Hebron massacre refers to the killing of sixty-seven or sixty-nine Jews on 24 August 1929 in Hebron, then part of Mandatory Palestine, by Arabs incited to violence by rumors that Jews were planning to seize control of the Temple Mount in Jerusalem. The event also left scores seriously wounded or maimed.
    Go read history
    The following is an official German record of the meeting between Adolf Hitler and the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Haj Amin al-Husseini, on November 28, 1941, at the Reich Chancellory in Berlin. (Source: Documents on German Foreign Policy 1918-1945, Series D, Vol XIII, London, 1964.)……

  11. Whereas most people in Meah sharim do NOT care for the Zionist government, very few would want to live in the Palestinian areas. This is just stupid provocation by a few nut cases.

    Look at what we have here from @motchah11:

    Every possible zionist distortion of history. Jewish virtual library and the other are all zionist propagandists, what i can tell you, what my grandfather from Libya, and grandparents from India, Iraq and Iran say, that until 1948 the Jews were doing better than in any country. any foolish and ignorant attempt to counter this is laughable!! comedy!!

  13. @ Loshenhora,
    before you spew sewage from i don’t know where, try and realise not everyone is so foolish.
    first of all,
    1) esav and yishmael are two different dinim altogether, where the ramban says esav is soneh lya’akov because that’s what H’ instilled in him, but yishmael is like a bow-n’-arrow, the further you pull, the further it will go.
    2) Anyone outside of the zionist brainwashing system knows what happened in Chevron in the months, weeks, and days following the massacre.
    The zionist terrorists ym”sh would go into chevron on bikes and motorbikes armed to the teeth and seek to pick fights with the arabs.

  14. @shuali, just look at jewish virtual library and see what you find there, it is an official arm of the zionist bandits & terrorists currently presiding in Eretz Yisael

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