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Gedolei Yisrael: The Chareidi Sector Won’t Take Part In The Million-Man March

Illustrative. Right-wing protest.

At the instructions of Gedolei Yisrael, the Chareidi parties will not call the sector to join the right-wing “million-man march” for judicial reform on Thursday.

One of the heads of the Charedi parties told Kikar H’Shabbat that “From the first moment, we said that regarding the reform, we are being led and are not leading. There is no reason for us to be at the center of the storm.”

“It’s not for nothing that we’ve hardly had any interviews in recent weeks. And in general, Gedolei Yisrael don’t want to be mevatel the Torah of thousands of avreichim and bochurim for a protest that is not related to Torah gezeiros.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. Bless them. No one should match. We once did. Never again. Woke is DEAD. May the the remaining colors evaporate and Hashem’s world blossom. I never march for fools even the million are brainless.

  2. Chareidim are not ultra-nationalists. The whole concept of a “sovereign” state, i.e. a state subject to no other laws, meaning not subject to Ha-Shem’s laws, is alien to Jewish tradition. In our tradition, Ha-Shem is “sovereign”, i.e. above all othrer kings. A large number, perhaps most, of Chareidim avoid fighting in the Arab-Israeli conflict indicating rejection of the medinah, since if the medinah was even arguably kosher, it would be a mitsva to serve in the army even if one had to be bitul Torah to do so. The only thing the right-wing nationalists have in common with the Chareidim is that the secular (i.e. left-wing, socialists) hate them.

  3. It wasn’t Gedelei Yisrael, it was newspaper editors. Meir Porush said you should come.

    In the end its interior ego fighting which comes at the most inopportune time.


  4. Gdolei Israel ? Do we have any ? Or are you taking about the ones who said to get vaccinated but didn’t take the vaccine ? Are we taking about the ones who ask to vote to have a prime minister mehalel Shabbat apikoros and number 33?

  5. Gedolim?

    Why would any authentic “Gedolim” be opposed to reducing the power of the anti-Torah Leftist Supreme Court?

    Are these “Gedolim” similar to the ones in NY who promote the Democrat toeivah agenda under the banner of Torah?

    Follow the money trail.

  6. The article doesn’t mention any names of Gedolim, but if the Gedolim are against it I’m not here to protect them. They don’t need my haskama. I just want to point out a couple of things. What we are really waiting for is the hashiva shoftainu kevarishona judicial reform. If the leftist would know what kind of reform is about to come they would go crazy. (or crazier like you can’t imagine) Also, since the leftist are portraying the judicial reform as something fanatic, like making Israel into Iran etc., it would be better that the chareidim not show up. The most “fanatic” or the citizenry didn’t even show up so it would make their argument weaker, even though they don’t exactly care about the facts.

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