WATCH: Flyover On Israel’s 75th Yom Ha’atzmaut

(IDF spokesperson)

Israel’s annual Air Force flyover began on Israel’s 75th Yom Ha’atzmaut on Wednesday at 9:20 a.m. and ended in the early afternoon.

In a first in 25 years, 11 fighter jets from foreign airforces joined the airshow, including the US, UK, Germany, and Italy, as a sign of the relationship between Israel and the participating countries.

Another “first” was that the aircraft flew over the Shomron, following a four-year battle by Yossi Dagan, the head of the Shomron Regional Council. Last year, the flyover was expanded to Chevron and Gush Etzion for the first time.

Aircraft of Israel Police and Israel’s Fire and Rescue Services also participated in the flyover.


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. I so much wish that I could have merited to spend this incredibly important יום-טוב of יום-העצמאות in Israel

    יום-העצמאות שמח to everyone

  2. Whatever else you think, you have to appreciate the sheer miraculousness of all this when you think where we were eighty years ago.

  3. Where I was there was supposed to be a great view. But I only heard them.
    The only flyovers I did see, consisted of…
    6 dirty pigeons
    5 red-necked parrots
    4 white-eyed bulbuls
    3 noisy ravens
    2 turtle doves…
    And a patridge in a pomegranate tree!

  4. Never needed that army
    Don’t want nothing to do with that army
    They are not my God or my family
    All they did was make an army to kill themselves

  5. as the brisker ruv said “the medinah will only bring shfichas dumim (bloodshed) to yiden”,
    since the world war 2 there was no place in the all globe that Jews has been killed like in this medinah day after day ,even in Iran itself where they are killing and hanging people, the Jews are not getting killed, they are not scared to go on the streets “ani matir es besarchem” hasem yrachem olainu . it is time to say for Hashem OK we are doing tshuva , we don’t want any more from deep of our hearth this medinah , and not interesting any more to have a medinah before Mashiach, please Hashem we trust you you know how to take care

  6. Real zionism there:
    a video in a beach (!), but hey what’s the issue it’s a video of the (un)holy yom ha-tzamos.

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