LIKE EVERY YOM HA’ATZAMUT: Israeli Flag Flies From The Roof Of Ponevezh Yeshivah

(צילום: דוד קשת / ידיעות בני ברק)

Yeshivas Ponevezh continued its annual minhag on Wednesday of hanging an Israeli flag on the yeshivah’s roof on Yom Ha’atzmaut.

The minhag began after the establishment of the state on the order of the Ponevezher Rav, HaGaon HaRav Yosef Shlomo Kahaneman, z’tl, to fly the flag on the roof of the yeshivah for eight hours.

Since then, the flag is hung from the yeshivah’s roof every year on Yom Ha’atzmaut from 8 a.m. until 4 p.m.

Apart from the flag, there is no indication of Yom Ha’atzmaut at the yeshivah, with tefillos, shiurim, and sedarim taking place as usual.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

11 Responses

  1. It should be noted that the Ponovezher Rav zt”l did NOT say Tachanun on Yom Ha’atzmaut, nor did the Yeshiva.
    There was one exception – R’ Schach zt”l. Then, when he took over as Rosh Yeshiva, he had the yeshiva begin saying Tachanun.

  2. as the brisker ruv said “the medinah will only bring shfichas dumim (bloodshed) to yiden”,
    since the world war 2 there was no place in the all globe that Jews has been killed like in this medinah day after day ,even in Iran itself where they are killing and hanging people, the Jews are not getting killed, they are not scared to go on the streets “ani matir es besarchem” hasem yrachem olainu it is time to say for Hashem OK we are doing tshoova , we don’t want any more from deep of oure hearth, and not interesting any more to have a medinah before Mashiach, please Hashem we trust you you know how to take care

  3. He did so for political reasons. He said that he flew the national flag in Ponevezh, and did so in his yeshiva in the Zionist State, too. But it was purely political, not CH”V ideological.

  4. What’s not a daas yochid are the yeshivas that take money from the so called treife medina and still spread hate about those who serve in the IDF and the govt

  5. Nobody would be learning in eretz Yisrael right now if it wasn’t for the state and the army
    Please a little hakaras hatov

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