United Flight From NY To Israel Forced To Turn Around After 3 Hours Due To Unruly Passenger

Wild scenes played out on board a United Airlines flight from New York to Israel when a passenger from the latter country got into a fight with the crew.

The flight, which took off late motzei shabbos, was forced to return to New York just three hours into the flight due to the disruptive passenger.

Once back in the New York, the passenger was forcibly removed from the aircraft, but it was too late to take off again for Israel. The passengers were provided new tickets for a flight on Sunday.

It isn’t yet clear what the passenger did to create such a tumult, with further information expected to be revealed by the airline in the coming days.

For now, United said in a statement that “safety on the flight comes above all else.”

Meanwhile, Ynet reported the following update:

“An eyewitness, Sholomit, another Israeli on the flight said the passenger wanted to use the bathroom and since none was available he sat down in a seat assigned to crew members only. A flight attendant raised his voice at him and the passenger responded in kind.

“Crew members told him that if he did not return to his seat, the plane would be turned back to New York,” the eyewitness said adding that his response was ridicule and that he did not believe their threats. She said the rest of the passengers were surprised to see that the plane had changed course and was returning to the U.S. “No one bothered to inform us,” she said. “We just noticed it on the map showing our flight path and when we landed, we saw the police waiting for the plane.”

(YWN World Headquarters- NYC)

29 Responses

  1. An eyewitness, Sholomit, another Israeli on the flight said the passenger wanted to use the bathroom and since none was available he sat down in a seat assigned to crew members only. A flight attendant raised his voice at him and the passenger responded in kind.

    Wow. This is terrible. Crime of the century. This is even worse than those dangerous racist Trump tax returns.

  2. He did Nothing……you simply Hate Jews
    not much different than 1933…….if you have courage to ck….same old same old….

  3. If the witness is accurate then this crew should be fired. They caused UA 6 hours of fuel, crew time pay, ground transportation to and from the airport for the passengers and forced hundreds of people to be delayed both going to Israel and since the return flight was canceled, and returning from Israel. If the passenger needed to be arrested then do it in Ben Gurion.

  4. Untied for you! Their overall respect for their customer base is in negative numbers. No one else on that flight was important to them! Their kavod was “getchepped.” Their Newark hub is filled with antisemitic employees. They deserve to be reprimanded over this in a big way.

  5. Going with what it says happened in this article, to me it sounds like a gross overreaction from some egoist flight attendant. Similar to what happened on a Delta flight from Florida a few months back. In that story a yid put his bag into an empty overhead bin but was told he had to check it.

  6. I hope they will have to pay restitution to every passenger on this Flight the same as Lufthansa paid last year for forcing dozens to not board their flight to Kerestier because of some misbehaved passenger:
    You just dont punish a full flight of passenger because one person did not listen to you. How did this compromise the safety of this flight? Arrest him in Tel Aviv not disrupt so many passengers. I hope a class action will be brought against United

  7. I’m sure there’s more to the story. There’s no way they turned the plane around 3 hrs in because a guy sat in the stewards seat. It’s impossible. Fake news YWN once again

  8. Everyone of this crew who were actually only concerned about their own personal ego, should have all future paychecks garnished & applied to all costs incurred from fuel & all other expenses caused by canceled flight.
    I sincerely hope, no-one’s יום-העצמאות plans got upended by this selfish egoistic airline crew.

  9. Yossi Name Edited April 23, 2023 3:37 pm at 3:37 pm
    Typical Chillul Hashem caused by a Zionist, rachmono litzlan.


  10. this would NOT happen on ELAL. Period. They would manage the situation. United will always find a reason to do funny things. their crew see themselves as some union employees, not truly here to get the job done.

  11. The first 6 comments are stupid. The article clearly says this not the whole story. And unfounded cries of anti-Semitism are as bad as, well, anti-Semitism.

  12. Another shoddy false headline by YWN!
    United flight did NOT return to NY, it didn’t leave from NY either.
    This flight as from Newark NJ and returned there.
    United had abandoned JFK to fully utilize the Continent’s gates it acquired with the airline years ago

  13. Heard the same thing reported by Sholomit from another passenger on board. This incident, if true, is quite disturbing. Makes one wonder about some of these flight crews.

  14. Was it an Israeli Arab, Yid,Russian,Christian.
    American make a mountain out of a molehill
    Would imagine the staff were rewarded with a couple of days at home in full pay
    They have cable ties and could have restrained the person instead of collective punishment
    Would be interesting to know if it’s ever happened ever before ?

  15. @yaapchick
    This is my experience.

    Late last year flying at night from Newark NJ with United was the worst experience I have had.
    Chassidim were up the entire flight banging on the headrests and disturbing the passengers and making it impossible for me for one to sleep. As soon as I closed my eyes these Chassidim hop off from sit to sit and held and shook my headrest so they can speak to their buddy sitting behind me.
    No amount of soft talk helped with this group of adults.
    I asked them, to stop shaking my seat but it was as if they were never on a plane without any respect.

    After 4 Hours of this and not able to close my eyes I went to the flight attendant and complained that NON STOP THESE guys BANGING, shaking my chair…
    Their responses was. “We gave up on NY/Israel passengers. You are not the only one complaining but we either have to turn around the plane or you and other passengers have to bear the front and make our destination”.

    DISGUSTING. Is this what to the teach in Chassidicdus.? Theft of time for not allowing a persons to sleep for 10 hours while wearing strimel is permitted. ??????

    On the next flight. I specifically diverted my flight to Chicago/Israel so I can hopefully just avoid these Chassidim and get flight rest.
    At Chicago flight attendant said that NY flights is as always like that but Chicago crew don’t tolerate this behavior.

    Again – I am not sure if this turn around was from Chassidim or not but hay guys
    Learn what’s CHILUL Hashem.
    Learn halachos of time theft.
    Learn the Gemara story about the son who wouldn’t wake up his father for business deal that had to do with advodas Hashem.
    Learn Derech Eretz

  16. @Reiven; your rant is full of hateful generalization. Even if true, its simply not appropriate to collectively name a group as THOSE PPL and so on. You should be ashamed of yourself.

  17. They just didn’t deserve to go in Israel. If you want to go in Israel, especially from NY, you must behave! You don’t trust me? Ok I’m flying you back to nazi america…

  18. @jacka
    I am one of “these”,
    but You must be one too. The difference is that you are Jacka and you would probably stamp over other people without Derech Eretz and steal other people time and do a twill of peios without regards.

    Remember Jacka wearing a certain Kapata doesn’t entitle YOU to act like that on plane with close space.

    I WAS JUST GIVING MY EXPERIENCE TRAVELING. If you were not a hater yourself you would have read the beginning and end of my comment.

    So stop being a JackA and support Behimas.
    CHILUL Hashem is highest Aveira but it seems you pick your nose and wear Strimel.? Do you treat your wife and kids with the same inconsiderable manner?
    It’s seems to you wearing certain Yalmaka and clothes allows you to do whatever you want and it’s a Aveira to criticize you.
    Shame on you.
    Or that’s not something you care about?

  19. Reiven is disgusting. I have traveled with planes full of Chassidim and not one Chasid “shook other people’s seats”. If 2-3 Chassidim disturbed you on a flight that doesn’t mean all Chassidism disturb others. I have traveled with Litvaks/Yekkes/Yeshivishe (I can’t tell the difference) who were noisy, walked the isles often and had kids crying the entire way. But I love all my fellow Jews and would never think of hating all Yekkes/Litvaks/Yishivishe. Almost ALL types and stripes of Jews do not sit like non-Jews on the plane. Non-Jews sit on almost, or most of the flight while ALL TYPES of frum Jews walk the aisles and are more noisy, that is the nature of frum Jews, (we are more alive!) How disgusting of me would it be if I would hate all non-Chasidim because of how the Litvish, Yeshivish or Yekkishe couple who sat behind my seat acted on my flight from Miami to NY… they were talking loudly on the night flight, kept their toddler strapped into the car seat almost the entire way (child abuse ) while she was screaming to be let out and when they did take their child out they held her in a way that she grabbed my shaitel over the back of my seat…b’kitzur, they were so rude and immentchlich. I didn’t think of hating all of my fellow Jews who are non-Chassishe people because of this couple acted!

    The amount of hate by fellow Jews for other Jews is simply horrifying and terrifying!

  20. Has nobody ever had a severe need for the bathroom? Obviously, the person was desperate to go but it was in use. Rather than stagger back to his seat risking a major personal release of everything, he chose to sit on the seat nearest the bathroom so he could hold himself back until the first minute it was free. In that situation, a person cannot explain things. They simply hang on until they can do what they have to. Is nobody here human enough to understand human bodily needs?

  21. Very disappointed in Unired. I have no idea what happened here but I cant think of anything that would have warranted turning around at that point. Worse case tie the person down and deal with it in israel

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