WATCH: “One Of The Jews’ Issues Is That They Love To Live, Unlike Us”


A sermon by Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei’s representative in the Markazi Province, Gholamali Dorri-Najafabadi, translated by The Middle East Media Research Institute, spoke about the Jews’ “love for life” versus the Iranians’ “love of martyrdom.”

Speaking to a packed audience on April 14, Dorri-Najafabadi quoted an Iranian cleric, saying: “One of the (Jews’) main issues is that they are very loyal to the material world.
They love to live, they would love to live a  thousand years. They are greedy for this life and are afraid of death. Death is more terrifying than any other event for them. They are not ready to die.”

“They are not ready (to die). They Yasin (sic) Surah of the Quran stated: “…then wish for death if what you say is true!”

“Death to Israel! Death to Israel! Death to Israel! Death to Israel!”

“Death to Zionism. If you capture one of them, it is as if you took the lives of all of them. In fact, they would be willing to give up everything to free just one of them. They’re not like our kids, who love martyrdom.”

“The others have nothing. Our kids are the ones who (inherit) the Kingdom of Heaven. Matters of faith are not important to the Zionists. They care about lust…embezzlement, plundering, treason, and other such deeds.”

“Really, just like Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah said – Israel is weaker than a spider web.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

13 Responses

  1. he was right when he said,
    “Israel is weaker than a spider web”
    its true but thier God is the all powerful ruler of the world

  2. This is a message to those who say that Iran is not anti-Semite, rather they are anti-Zionist. The speaker (Yimach Shemo) says Jews (Yahudi) are …., then he changes to Zionist. The Zionist business is a cover up for their hatred of the Jews (Yahud). Yavo Charbam Be-Libam.

  3. Common Israeli? Yeah, not a ton of those statements are untrue.
    Religious Jews? Totally misguided distortion of our religion.
    הוא היה אומר: יפה שעה אחת בתשובה ומעשים טובים בעולם הזה, מכל חיי העולם הבא. ויפה שעה אחת של קורת רוח בעולם הבא, מכל חיי העולם הזה.
    Avos 4-17

  4. That’s very helpful. Golda Meir once said that “When peace comes we will perhaps in time be able to forgive the Arabs for killing our sons, but it will be harder for us to forgive them for having forced us to kill their sons.” We have beautiful souls and tremendous compassion, but we should keep in mind that it doesn’t matter much. Killing them is not really a terrible thing, they really don’t mind at all. They kind of appreciate it.

  5. אדום is totally about this world.
    ישמעאל is extremely detached from this world.
    The Torah is meant to give us the perfect balance between both worlds, which would make us the envy of the world.
    Unfortunately, as you see in this video, we as Yidden are not living up to that…

  6. do not get lied to, without the state if Israel we would still be alive but the religiousness of the state is only for themselves is what he was saying

  7. I like what you say MDshweks-that Judaism is the balance between this world and the next! How blessed are we to know Hashem’s will! How ironic is that he says if you capture one yid it’s as if you destroyed all of them! And our teaching is-if you save one Yid it’s as if you saved an entire world! Just shows how fortunate we are to have a Torah that teaches to focus and be in the positive while lehavdil eleph havdalos they worship a god of violence and destruction! May the world merit to see the truth and the right way soon with the coming of Moshiach speedily on our days with rachamim bez”H!!!

  8. “If you capture one of them it is as if you took the lives of all of them.” He is talking about any Jew whether or not he is a Zionist. A Jew is a Jew and we are all looked at as the same. Like @Learn Mussar said, A non-Jewish ant-Zionist is an anti Semite. (A Jew that is anti Zionist {I’m talking about someone that is normal} might vehemently disagree with the Zionist hashkafa but loves every single fellow Jew and only wants to see happiness a health for every Yid regarless of hashkafic differences) “In fact, they would be willing to give up everything to free just one of them.” that sounds pretty virtuous to me! His whole “mussar shmuess” was that we are selfish disgusting people. Wow! I’m sure everyone knows what these creeps look forward to! Yes it’s true we don’t do mitzvos in order to go to heaven. We do mitzvos to serve Hashem not to serve ourselves. As We know Moshe Rabbeinu wanted to remain alive so he could continue to serve Hashem even though he knew that he had a magnificent place in Gan Eden waiting for him. So yes, we want to be down here. Olam Habah is also down Here. Gan Eden up there is only temporary until the Geulah. Hashem wants to dwell with us down here. May we we see that happen very soon with techias hameisim when all Jews will return the this world. Let them go there and stay there, wherever that is as long as it’s not here.

  9. of course we SHOMREI TORAH JEWS ideally strive and love to live because our Emunah is REAL that for each mitzva we do ONLY HERE we get infinite pleasure in Hashem in the next world AND kirva to Him on this world.
    there’s no teshuva or maasim tovim in the next world as our Chachmim explain to us.
    The Torah only says-if u are forced then die al kiddush Hashem, THEN its the Mitzva of the day

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