WATCH: Rabbi Whose Wife And Two Daughters Were Killed in Pesach Terror Attack Has “No Hatred” Towards Terrorists

Rabbi Leo Dee, an Israeli-British rabbi whose wife and two daughters were killed in a terror shooting on a Gush Etzion road on Chol Hamoed Pesach, has stated that he harbors no hatred towards the perpetrators of the attack. In an interview with Channel 12, he expressed his desire for the terrorists to be apprehended and punished, not out of hatred, but to prevent further acts of violence.

Dee’s wife, Leah Dee, and their daughters Maya Dee and Rina Dee HY”D were fatally shot by Palestinian terrorists on April 7 while on their way to Teveriya for a vacation. Despite promises from officials to bring the suspects to justice, they remain at large.

Speaking from his home in Efrat alongside his surviving son and two daughters, Dee emphasized that his focus was on the future, for himself and for the people of Israel.

He also spoke of the Palestinian friends he had made over the years, including builders and gardeners whom he had employed to work on his home. Dee said that he trusted them completely with his family and believed that the majority of Palestinians were “decent people.”

Together with the Dee Family, the Efrat Foundation will be funding three communal projects in memory of Lucy, Maya and Rina: CLICK HERE TO CONTRIBUTE


(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

15 Responses

  1. I cant imagine the pain he’s going through but killers deserve to be hated. The Torah said to hate Amolek. Shlomo hamelech said that theres a time to hate. Not sure why he can’t hate the animals who want us all dead.

  2. It’s a Mitzva to hate the terrorist and it’s a Mitzva to kill them as well.

    Having said that, this poor family have just gone through an unthinkable tragedy, he is not expected to think this through….

  3. כתוב במסכת פסחים (קיג:) שמצוה לשנוא את הרשעים, וכן נפסק בשו”ע חושן משפט סימן ער”ב סעיף י”א

  4. Y2r is right.
    True it’s not a Jewish attitude but the Gemorah says אין אדם נתפס בצערו
    Now is not a time he can be judged. Hopefully it’s a temporary ‘mental glitch’.

  5. Doesn’t HATE him?! He doesn’t hate the who killed his wife and daughters?

    What he SHOULD say is “I hope the terrorist gets burned to death in front of his children and parents. I hope his arms and legs get cut off and gets bleach poured into his wounds. I hope he screams from physical agony for all of Klal Yisrael to hear. I hope he gets fed to hungry dogs.”

  6. HIJACK SYNDROME! NEBACH! המקום ינחם אותם בתוך שאר אבלי ציון וירושלים. WE SHOULD NEVER BE TESTED!

    Stockholm syndrome is a proposed condition in which hostages develop a psychological bond with their captors. It is supposed to result from a rather specific set of circumstances, namely the power imbalances contained in hostage-taking, kidnapping, and abusive relationships.

  7. I do sense this man is not normal and as time goes he will marry and his children will suffer more, his loss is but a moment the loss for his children and family is for ever… sorry for the loss of souls… to be our angels from above…….no one says that they are not angry…these monsters must die

  8. I am old enough to have met שאול המלך in person, and when he began harboring doubts about destroying עמלק’s descendants’ animals, I told שאול המלך in no uncertain terms to ignore Peta and stay away from misplaced mercy, which never ends well.
    Sadly שאול המלך ignored my advice, and the rest is tragic history

  9. Idiots you have can’t have empathy
    Most of you look up the meaning
    Then when you can maybe comment

    You think you have sympathy if you did you would keep your thoughts to yourselves
    give him a blessing that he can get a little respite every so often

    He won’t give them space at the proverbial table that’s what he means
    The pain is so all consuming he can’t even go there
    No more emotional space to hate
    He has hot rods going through him that won’t cool in fact they only get hotter every birthday every wedding every simcha ……
    It’s gehenom here on this earth
    Fools who dare tell him how to feel

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