SICKENING: Jew Haters Demonstrate Against Israel in Houston [SEE THE VIDEO]

The deep rot of anti-Semitism was on full display in Houston last Friday as an annual Al Quds day demonstration was held with the participation of numerous Jew-hating individuals.

At the rally, an unnamed Muslim “religious leader” said: “Unless and until we take every inch of Palestine back, we will not rest!… We will continue to resist until this Zionist cancer is uprooted from the face of the Earth.” He chanted “Death to Zionism!” and a member of the crowed responded: “Death to Israel!” In addition, an unnamed activist recited a poem praising Palestinian terrorist Ibrahim Al-Nabulsi, who was killed during a gunfight with Israeli security forces in August 2022.

“We will not forget the Palestinian martyrs, and we will continue to resist until this Zionist cancer is uprooted from the face of the Earth. We would rather die, as the Palestinians have been dying, since the last 75 years, and die with pride and honor. This is a lesson we learned from [Imam] Hussein,” the Jew-hater told the crowd.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

10 Responses

  1. Nothing jew hateful was said.
    Just saying……
    You saw how the leader wouldn’t say Israel, even when prompted

  2. Texas state visibly allows hate crimes and radicals inciting violence in public, this is really scary and that tells you a lot about how laws are applied in the usa.

  3. So many people don’t realize how dangerous Zionism is. They turn it into a whole religion and think that Moshiach came and say hallel on Yom ha’atsamos. The Israeli government is an occupation. It’s occupying the seat of Malchus Beis Dovid. We really need to pray hard for Moshiach to come already and until then don’t expect to poke a wild animal in the eye and not get hurt or worse chas v’shalom. We must pray for the safety of every Jew and make sure not to provoke very dangerous chayos ra’os. Be wise. Realize that ones foolish actions can not only bring harm on to oneself, but also upon others chas v’shalom. Don’t put yourself or your family in danger or do anything that may cause anyone else harm. Yes, Zionism is a very dangerous movement and it is not Judaism. In Judaism, we hope and await every single moment for the Geulah Shelaima. May Hashem say to all of our tzaros dai!

  4. Zetruth, you don’t seem to have any idea what the term “hate crime” means. It means a regular crime that happens to be motivated by hatred; the exact same thing, if motivated by something else, is still a crime, but not a hate crime. If there is no crime in the first place, then there can’t be a “hate crime”.

    Hatred itself isn’t and cannot be a crime. Hatred is a feeling, and feelings cannot be banned. Nor can expressing it be banned. The first amendment absolutely protects the expression of hatred, just as it does the expression of every other kind of opinion or feeling.

    You also don’t seem to understand the term “incitement” either. Incitement means speech that is both (1) subjectively intended and (2) objectively likely to turn its target audience into robots who will (3) immediately commit a crime, without stopping to think about it and reach their own decision whether to commit it or not.

    Whipping up a mob and exhorting them to “Kill the Jews”, in a manner that is both calculated and likely to cause them to do so right away, is incitement and is a crime. But calmly lecturing the same crowd on why Jews are evil and ought to be killed, in the expectation that they will go away and think about it and decide for themselves what action to take, is advocacy, NOT incitement, and it is 100% protected by the first amendment.

  5. Those that believe in and advocate for the two state “solution” should watch this video as well as many others that show the truth, that the the “Palestinians” aren’t interested in two states and just want to wipe Israel off the map. Why quiet the voice of truth? Let people express what they truly believe. Otherwise, you are just making yourself feel good by putting your head in the sand. It’s important to let people express to the public their true feelings and intentions and it’s important for us to be cognizant that we are still very much in golus. The problem is that politicians proposing two states know the true agenda of the “Palestinians” very well and simply don’t care about reality. The solution is simple. We need to daven for the geulah sheleima and stop complaining about anti-Semitism in golus. We are very much in golus and unfortunately many people have forgotten that. Some hatred expressed here or there are the least of our problems. We need to stop hating and fighting with each other that would end this and all other problems. We are still in golus because of sin’as chinam. Like Milhouse said, others are allowed to express there feelings just as you are allowed to express yours. These people are clearly advocating for the use of terrorism, (may Hashem protect us) but again, we know the solution and it’s clearly not the Medina. The only way these people and all the very many likeminded Arabs around the world are going to understand that Eretz Yisroel belongs to the Bnei Yisroel is when Moshiach comes. So focus your prayers on the protection of the Jewish people but don’t forget to pray for the most important thing – the geulah sheleima. We can’t fix golus. We need pray that this long and bitter golus should end already.

  6. A56: Many Tzadikim and Gedolim much greater than you (or me) say Hallel and require Hallel to be said on Yom Haatzmaut. They are fully aware of your arguments and reject them anyway. They do not need lectures. The same is true the other way. Plenty of Gedolim and Tzadikim subscribe to the view of the Satmar Ruv, ZTKL. Unless someone has a new way of looking at this old dispute that he or she can share with the oilim, what is the point of regurgitating the same points (pro or con) over and over again?

    In any event, in almost all cases, those who hate Israel this passionately also hate Chareidim/Chassidim and they hate you. They care little about our intellectual/philosophical/religious debate as to the legitimacy of Israel.

  7. besalel: My dear sefaradi friend. I am not regurgitating. I am expressing my own feelings. Of course those chayos ra’os hate me and you. That is exactly the point! Don’t provoke them. I want Jews to stay safe! What did we gain in 1948? We lost access to the Kosel and so much of Eretz Yisroel (just from looking at the map, I would say around half) and even now we still can’t go to certain parts of Eretz Yiroel. So what did we gain?! We had a very bloody war in 1948 for what?! We are experiencing terrible chevlei Moshiach. If a person is waiting many years to have a child and now his wife is going through an extremely difficult and painful labor and is screaming and you are praying that everything should go smoothly, would you say shehecheyanu or hatov v’hamaytiv then or would you wait till the baby is born?

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