Rosh Yeshivah: “Tragedies Occur During These Days Because There’s No Zechus HaTorah”

HaRav HaGaon Gershon Edelstein (Motty Green)

Thousands of people participated in the sichas haChag of HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein on Monday, Chol Hamoed Pesach, which was shared in many locations via live broadcast.

The Rosh Yeshivah addressed the many tragedies in Israel since the beginning of Bein HaZemanim, saying that they occur due to the lack of Torah being learned during the break.

“There are tragedies during these days which are Bein HaZemanim because there’s no zechus haTorah,” the Rosh Yeshivah said. “Whoever holds the Torah, it is a tree of life for him to be saved at such a time.”

“Baruch Hashem, our tzibur occupies itself with Torah even during Bein HaZemanim but not the entire tzibur. Less Torah is learned during Bein HaZemanim, not like the whole year. We’re lacking the zechus and if the zechus is lacking, then rachmana latzlan…”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. My understanding is if there was NO
    Zechus ha Torah then the world would be destroyed
    Does your headline mean to say LESS ?????

  2. The yeshiva world offered us today a wonderful dvar torah about how each word in birkat hailanot can trully be a blessing for each of us. Thank you! Mamash it was a great One!

  3. Not to be rude, but the last few millenia have been one constant tragedy, so it might not be clever to attribute tragedy to lack of Torah.

  4. or, and I’m just spitballing here, people are putting themselves in dangerous situations, and should not rely on the miracle of zchus hatorah to protect them.

  5. this rabbi is also basically saying that the bachur who died, did not learn torah during bein hazmanim.

    What if he did? How would his family feel upon hearing this?

    What about when it wasn’t bein hazmanim and people were shot and killed, and run over by cars?

    A little seichel here!!!

  6. There will be two types of responses to this article: the mythological and the rational.

    It’s wonderful to be a true believer, one who can always frame things through a particular lens. It must be wonderful.

  7. And all this time I thought it was cuz the deep state kept inciting incidents or doing false flags, just like the neocons and 9/11. It would have been a real challenge to solve that problem. In fact, I was unable to work out any solution to that problem short of a major natural catastrophe or world war that resulted in a collapse of the deep state. His solution is way easier: we just need to learn more Torah during bein hazmanim.

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