Arab Media: Hamas Freezing a Shalit Deal Until Olmert’s Successor Takes Office

According to a Saudi report, Hamas is now stating that due to the uncertainty regarding the Israeli political situation, negotiations towards the release of Gilad Shalit will be frozen until Olmert’s successor assumes office.

Egyptian sources seem to be in agreement, skeptical regarding progress between Israel and Hamas during this interim period following last week’s announcement by Olmert signaling his intentions to step down from office after the Kadima primaries in September.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

One Response

  1. Does the world see these monsters for what they are?! Using a captured boy as a political pawn on the world stage! When in history has so much rishus been so publicly trotted around and been met with such tepid objection? I am so ashamed of our collective response to Gilad’s continued captivity.

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