Almost 2 Yrs. Later: Mazal Tov! Meron Almanah Gets Engaged

Yosef Greenbaum, z'l.

Chaya Greenbaum, the 24-year-old almanah of Reb Yosef Greenbaum, z’l, who was killed in the Meron disaster, got engaged to Reb Binyamin Schlesinger of Bnei Brak on Monday.

Reb Greenbaum, z’l, a Vihnitz chassid who lived in Haifa, left behind his wife Chaya and a toddler when he was killed in the Meron disaster at the age of 22. Three weeks after the disaster, Chaya gave birth to a son and named him Yosef after his father.

Following the birth, Chaya spoke about the night of the disaster to Yediot Achronot: “Yosef, z’l, accompanied me and Libi, our daughter of a year and nine months, to the bus stop in Haifa, where we live. I went to my parents in Ashdod and he went to Meron. We arranged to meet at night, late, after Yosef returned from Meron. He accompanied me for the last time to the bus, and I accompanied him for the last time at the levaya in the beis kevaros.”

“He accompanied me throughout the pregnancy but unfortunately he didn’t get to be at the birth. But since he was killed, I feel like he’s with me all the time, even at the birth. He was a perfect father and a perfect husband. I consider it a great zechus to have a son from such a husband. Yosef always saw the good, saw the positive side, and accepted everyone. He never criticized anyone.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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