SHOCKING: Anarchists Looted & Burned Contents Of A Home During Protest

Channel 14 News/screenshots

A shocking violent incident occurred during a left-wing protest in Tel Aviv last Sunday, when dozens of protesters broke into an empty home, ransacked and looted its contents and burned it in a bonfire on the Ayalon Highway.

The protests in Tel Aviv that day had deteriorated into violence and complete anarchy as thousands blocked the Ayalon for hours, lit bonfires, and confronted the police.

According to a Channel 14 report, at one point, dozens of protesters began looking for more incendiary material for the fires they were setting. They dismantled a wooden fence nearby and when they noticed an empty residence, they broke into it, dismantled its windows and doors, looted its contents, including closets, tables, chairs, and beds, and burned it in bonfires on the highway.

The protesters’ wild behavior frightened the neighbors, who asked the rioters to end their rampage – but to no avail.

The home belonged to the father of Chen Dina Cohen, who passed away recently. She was distraught to lose all her late father’s possessions and her childhood memories. She filed a complaint to the police against the protesters for break-in and theft.

“My father lived here for 88 years, my dear father,” she told Channel 14. “It’s good that he’s not here to see this.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Everyone of these wicked protestors needs to immediately be thrown life onto this bonfire without any anesthesia and meet their demise:- same fate all these items met on the bonfire.
    Meanwhile the wicked judges of this wicked supreme court must be sued & have all their belongings liquidated, for having instigated this wicked behavior.

  2. This is why they don’t want judicial reform. This is why Biden and his ilk are calling on Israel not to change the status quo of the judicial system for maybe acts like this may become illegal!

  3. Wicked evil chilonim erev rav. Just like during makas choshech, these pork eating soneh Hashem will not survive the chevlei Moshiach.

  4. Definitely many steps “ahead” of the chareidim when they protest. These losers lost any right to point fingers when the protests are done by chareidim.

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