A Look at the Friday Election Poll Commissioned by Yediot Achronot

The follow poll is the result of 400 adult Israelis, representative of a cross-section of the Israeli population. The poll was conducted by Dr. Mina Tzemach and the Dahaf Institute. The margin of error is +/- 4.8%.

If elections were held today, for whom would you vote?

(With Livni Heading Kadima)

Kadima 29%

Labor 14%

Likud 30%

Shas 10%

Yisrael Beitenu 8%

National Religious Party 6%


(With Mofaz Heading Kadima)

Kadima 17%

Labor 18%

Likud 33%

Shas 10%

Yisrael Beitenu 8%

National Religious Party 6%


Analysts report it is obvious that Mofaz weakens Kadima if he stands at the helm.


Netanyahu is More Popular Than Mofaz and Livni


Who is most suited to serve as prime minister?

Mofaz 18% (13% a week ago)

Netanyahu 38% (29%)

Barak 17% (16%)


Livni 30% (27%)

Netanyahu 36% (27%)

Barak 15% (14%)


What do you prefer following the Kadima primaries?

A new government in the same Knesset framework 28%

Go to early elections 66%


How do you rate Olmert’s performance?

35% good

65% not good


What feeling did Olmert’s resignation address leave you with?

Sorrow 9%

Support and empathy 13%

Indifference 22%

Happy 50%


A Look at Kadima – the following results represent responses from 500 registered Kadima members who represent a cross-section of the party’s members. Margin of error +/- 4.5%.


Who will you vote for in the Kadima primaries?

Mofaz 32% (33%)

Livni 41% (38%)

Dichter 13% (13%)

Sheetrit 10% (8%)


In a two-way race?

Mofaz 43% (45%)

Livni 51% (47%)


Looking for an Honest Leader – Who is the most trustworthy?

Mofaz 30%

Livni 49%

Both the same 17%


What is the most important quality for the party leader?

Honesty 55%

Security experience 28%

An ability to form a government 8%

Popularity and a good chance to win in the upcoming election 9%


Who will succeed to establish a new government without elections?

Mofaz 44%

Livni 47%

Both equal 5%


If elections are held, who will bring more Knesset seats to the Kadima Party?

Mofaz 37%

Livni 55%

Equal 5%

Rating Olmert


How was Olmert’s performance as prime minister?

Good 62%

Not good 37%

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