Turbowitz Resigns as Senior Aide to PM Olmert

As Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announces plans to continue talks with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and the Syrians, a key advisor playing a major role on the Syrian track, Yoram Turbowitz, on Thursday announced his resignation.

Turbowitz is viewed as the man closest to the prime minister. It is also known that he has expressed an interest in returning to the business world, but agreed to remain in his post in compliance with Olmert’s request. An official reason for the resignation at this time was not given.

It appears that once he returns to the private sector he will still maintain the title of “special advisor to the prime minister,’ working on a volunteer basis on two fronts, the Syrian talks to handle discreet contacts between Jerusalem and the White House.

Other aides to the prime minister are critical of the move, equating it with abandoning a sinking ship, stating Turbowitz should have remained until Olmert steps down, most likely in a number of weeks.

In the official statement released by the Prime Minister’s Office, the resignation has been addressed as “legitimate”.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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