Olmert: No Behind the Back Deals

Prime Minister Ehud Olmert has announced that despite his decision this week to step down from office following the Kadima Party primaries; he does plan to continue efforts towards reaching a peace agreement with the PA (Palestinian Authority) and Syria.

Earlier in the week, he told members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee that if he does reach an agreement or significant progress is made on either track, he will address the issues in a “democratic fashion” and take it to the people. He told committee members that there would be no “behind the back” deals. “I am not going to sign an agreement secretly. Everything will be open and above board.”

Aides to the prime minister state that a halt in dialogue would have severe ramifications and are contrary to the interest of the government and the nation, adding it could lead to the fall of Abu Mazen and the rise of Hamas to power in all PA areas, which means there would be nothing to negotiate following the elections.

Olmert added that in the time remaining to him in office, he plans to focus on reaching a deal to secure the release of Gilad Shalit. Some analysts believe that the prime minister’s decision not to seek reelection will facilitate his making a deal with Hamas towards obtaining Shalit’s freedom.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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