Head Of Shomron Regional Council Sets Up An Office In Huwara

The office of Shomron Regional Council head Yossi Dagan in Huwara. (Spokesperson)

The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, moved his office to the village of Huwara on Sunday morning in protest of the repeated terror attacks in the village.

Two IDF soldiers were seriously and moderately injured shortly before the end of Shabbos, the third attack in Huwara since the beginning of March.

Thousands of Jews living in the Shomron are forced to drive through Huwara on a daily basis as a major road, Route 60, passes through the town, and even when they’re not being shot at, they come under almost daily stone-throwing attacks.

“The Huwara road has become a bloodbath and terrorists are trying to murder and are murdering residents in broad daylight,” Dagan said. “It’s an unbearable situation when a person leaves his house and doesn’t know if he’ll return in the evening. We will not accept this situation. We will not accept the abandonment of our residents here in Shomron or anywhere else. Unfortunately, the government’s lack of action is beginning to feel like hefkerut.”

“We demand that the government return the security checkpoints that check the vehicles leaving Shechem – and not for a short time. We demand that the weapons be collected, that the shops in Huwara that provide shelter for murderous terrorists be closed down, and that a military operation be launched against the terrorist Palestinian Authority – Operation Defensive Shield 2. The blood of our residents will not be made hefker.”

Religous Zionist party MK Tzvi Sukkot marches through the village of Huwara with an Israeli flag on Sunday morning. (Spokesperson)

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

7 Responses

  1. Can u all brave people stop opening “council offices” and get out of the lions den before crawling on your fours bawling that the Arabs killed?!
    These people dont know their places and we hafta cry along with them for deliberately putting themselves and their kids in harms way.
    Protesting in these villages means asking for more blood.
    Get a life or someone else will CHAS VESHOLOM!

  2. This is the road that leads to and from their home in the land of Israel. They have every right to cross there safely. Stop blaming the victims. The animal terrorists need to be reigned in and eliminated. Peaceful Arabs that are ready to abide by the law should be left alone.

  3. Miriam
    To Miriam Did you ever hear of yishuv Eretz Yisroel. Besides the Arabs want the land from sea to sea with no place for jews.

  4. Dont conflate nor confuse. This os NOT Yishuv EY. NOT IN A MILLION YEARS!!!!
    Not ONE life is worth dying for for Yishuv EY. What crookedness !!!

  5. “And its NOT yishiv EY, its kibish EY!”

    Which is a mitzva min hatorah! It is a TORAH OBLIGATION, and according to the Ramban it is applicable at ALL TIMES whenever it is possible, and quite obviously it overrides pikuach nefesh, since it is inherently a dangerous activity.

    But we don’t need to go there. That road is their ONLY WAY to get to and from their HOMES. So they have no choice but to defend it, and this is the only way they can do that. Or do you think they should just abandon their towns and move into the big cities? Why should they do that? Are their towns less Eretz Yisroel than Tel Aviv?!

    What you are doing is disgusting. You are simply blaming the victims and demanding that they lie down and be quiet and allow themselves to be slaughtered at will. Feh!

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