“I’m Not Religious But I Vastly Prefer To Be Part Of Them Than The Left”


Following the left-wing “protest” in front of the home of Shas chairman Aryeh Deri on Thursday, the videos of the yeshivah bochurim dancing and singing versus the leftist-flag waving anarchists went viral on social media.

One secular Israeli posted the video, commenting: “I’m not religious but I prefer to be part of them with all my heart and soul and not part of the left.”

“The Chareidim are the anchor that will preserve the Jewish identity that will enable the survival and existence of a Jewish state. The left is exactly the opposite. If there is no clear Jewish identity, neither the money nor the hi-tech will help.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)


6 Responses

  1. A dirty, cheating Haredi MK with jail time is a lot worse than a dirty, cheating non religious MK. Shouldn’t be protected only because he dresses the part. Stop fooling our buchorim!

  2. This is 1 of the exceedingly few people left on the face of this planet who is a [wo]man of wisdom:- & this week is most opportune time to repent being exactly 1/2 year to the very day from עשרת ימי תשובה in addition to being able to burn up & expunge all sins along with the חמץ during the burning thereof

  3. Shlomo – about 27 years ago, a secular court ruled according to non-Torah laws that Deri was guilty of an offence that earned him a jail sentence. Deri served time in prison. Generally, that means that he is considered to have “paid his debt to society.” Yet, you call him a ‘dirty, cheating haredi MK.’ Le’havdil, if someone is חייב מלקות in Beis Din, and received his punishment, Chazal call him אחיך. After being punished, he reverts again to be ‘your brother’s- one of you.
    I am in no way a Deri groupie, but your vicious words about a frum Jew are unconscionable

  4. Deri has the right to be a minister because 400,000 voters said they want him there. No court or jumped up career civil servant has the right to veto him. That is democracy.

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