One of the left-wing protesters in Bnei Brak on Thursday night was moved to tears by the Shabbos songs playing on loudspeakers.
He took off his helmet with a mounted camera to wipe the tears streaming down his face.
He then stood and swayed to the song, singing along with great emotion.
The Chareidi girl who took the video said that the protester told her that when he heard Shalom Aleichem playing, it reminded him of his father, z’l, who always spoke about ahavas chinam.
(YWN Israel Desk โ Jerusalem)
19 Responses
Neshome is online
What a beautiful video..
I am crying watching it. Heilige yidden!!
This video makes an obvious point. If the “reforms” had been limited to issues dealing with the Jewish identity of EY and stupid decisions by the courts like chometz in hospitals, there would have been more widespread support among secular Israelis in comparison with the current proposals which include provisions focused on keeping Netanyahu out of jail and allowing Deri to hold a cabinet position. It still would have been opposed by a hard core of the leftists but the degree of polarization would not have been as intense.
I would love to see where he goes from here.
we see music can pull a person to a very high level . but most important that we see from hear is that what you do when your young will stay with you for your intier life, and of course if its the rong music….
Ahavat CHINAM of his father
๐ข same as all fathers of old.
๐ฅบ This Old man has a Holy Neshama.
The POWER THIRSTY WITH BLOOD Zionist thugs took away all that away from the nation by feeding them pork and cutting their peios and made them work on shabbos. Now they donโt want to GIVE UP THE POWER AND MONEY.
BOUSHA ON YOUR FATHER, filth son of filth
YOU GET JEWISH NESHAMA Coming back to Holiness.
No matter how many times I rewatch this I can’t stop crying with him…. look how HKB”H yishtabah shemo turns everything for the good – who knows maybe for this neshama alone this whole balagan was worthwhile
really beautiful. Be that as it may be
unless he does a reassessment , he is still a useful idiot tool of larger horrible schemes
that are ripping his father’s bones to shreds
We didnโt go to Tel Aviv-so Hashem brought them to us! Lots of work to do! Great kiddish Hashem !
It made me ๐ญ seeing him ๐ญ
ืจืื ืืื….. ืืฉ ืงืื ื ืขืืืื ืืฉืขื ืืืช
i think its the first time i am crying since the last time my mother smacked me when i was a teenager growing up
its very emotional.
who knows what zechusim will come to klal yisroel who know how many bad gzeiros were ripped to shreds, who knows how much gan eden this poor pure neshama and tinok shnishba will get because of his real tears and real love for hashem, only for the sake of the melech malchei hamlochim hakodosh boruch hu.
we all can learn from him we should all have pure hearts as he. clean neshama like he, love to hashem like he. you can see its pure love and longing to hashem.
heilige bashefer, isnt this enough to send mashiach. a tinok shenishba. but with his whole heart cries with tears to you, the melech malchei hamlachim hakadosh boruch hu
This probably the most moving video I have seen. It just goes to show we don’t have to fight with shouts, stones or fists to win over the secular.
Was crying when i first saw this video this morning sent by a friend to my whatsap.. I had no idea the story behind I see it’s on YWN..and I am crying just reading the comments and everyone’s reactions. Someone said that we didn’t go to telaviv so He brought them to us…HKBH loves every jew more than anyone can imagine!!! And waits for him to return!!! .what is happening in the holy land right now is unreal…I feel Mashiach in the air…
Sentimental, now let’s get back to reality.
Not 1 / 300 of the rioters/wild protesters resemble the poor older fellow
” All is fair in Love and War ”
Wouldn’t bringing a couple of out of their depth old fellows ” we are all Brothers ” to pull the rug out from under the finally firming opposition be another mild obvious tactic?
The Israeli media would be showing the video to the rest of the world? Or are they showing the flags and all the protesters against the horrible religious religious and extreme nationalist takeover?
That emphatically they proclaim they rather not be part of the same Nation with?
who does this fella align with ?
The ploy is being effective
“โฆI feel Mashiach in the airโฆ”
And what will be the day after tomorrow?
Judging by the flags, he and we are moving probably from each other further away
Next Time play the ืืฆื ืงืืืฉ ืืคื ื ืืืกืฃ followed by ืงืืืฉ ืฉืื ืืืจื ืืืกืฃ from ืจืืฉ-ืืฉื ื ืืืื-ืืืืคืืจืื and even more lost souls shall get ignited
What I find amazing is that the tune that brought him to this emotional reaction is NOT a traditional tune, or even from a kosher source! How is it that a tune written by a Conservative clergyman, an apikores and mechalel shabbos, could have such a powerful effect? What was this clergyman’s zechus, that tens of thousands of Jewish families are inspired by his music, and brought closer to Hashem?
GHD, the fight is to restore elected government to Israel, and reverse the coup of 30 years ago that turned Israel into a dictatorship. That is MORE IMPORTANT than any legislation about chametz. The chametz decision is just a symptom; the dictatorship of the judiciary and the deep state is the problem.
The bogus “charges” against Netanyahu are a much more serious symptom of the same problem, and they are just the tip of the iceberg, since they represent the threat that these evil dictators have held over every Israeli politician for decades, to compel them to do as they’re told. As Yariv Leviin said, he can’t suspend the legislation to allow time for negotiations, because he’s racing against the clock before the dictators bring him up on some criminal charge or other, that they will pull out of their rear ends.
As for Deri being allowed to be a minister, that is the most fundamental and important principle of democracy. It makes NO DIFFERENCE what you or I may think of his character. Approximately 10% of the Israeli electorate came out to vote for him, and they want him to be a minister. Their votes are a vital part of the majority. That alone entitles him to be a minister, and it is utterly UNACCEPTABLE for any judge, let alone a civil servant such as the so-called “attorney general” to dare to express an opinion on the matter. In no other country would that be tolerated.