MORE TERROR: Former U.S. Marine Shot In The Head In Huwara Attack, In Serious Condition

Scene of the incident in Huwara. (MDA spokesperson)

A terrorist opened fire at an Israeli car driving on a road in Huwara in the Shomron.

An American-Israeli man in the car was seriously injured and his wife suffered from shock. They were treated at the scene by IDF medics and evacuated to Beilinson Hospital in Petach Tikvah. The husband is in serious condition, sedated and ventilated.

According to witnesses, the terrorist opened fire at the car at zero-point range with an improvised Carlo submachine gun and shot 21 bullets. The victim, who is a weapons and combat trainer, managed to return fire and wounded the terrorist, who threw his gun on the ground and fled the scene. The victim then made himself a tourniquet.

IDF soldiers who arrived at the scene also shot at the terrorist as he fled.

The soldiers ran after him and a Golani soldier spotted him shortly later in a building – seriously wounded – and detained him.

The attack occurred on the same street where the Yaniv brothers, h’yd, were killed – exactly three weeks ago.

Sources told YWN that the victim is an American citizen, originally from Far Rockaway, named Dovid Stern, 44, a former U.S. Marine, who made aliyah many years ago. His name for tefillah is Alexander Dovid Dov Ben Necha Rochel. Stern is a Krav Maga instructor and trainer for first-responder security teams in the Shomron and is known locally as Rambo. He and his wife, Rachel, are residents of Itamar, north of Huwara.

According to the victim’s wife, he is now in moderate to serious and stable condition. She said that miraculously, the bullet only grazed his skull and then hit his arm. A CT scan showed that there was no internal damage.

Dovid Stern
Dovid Stern


(YWN Israel Desk – Jersalem)


15 Responses

  1. Smotrich was right the first time, and wrong to apologize. Huwara must be erased. There is no other answer, and no possible argument against it.

  2. The Jewish leftists will collect money for the Terrorists again. Poor unfortunate terrorist. He was shot because he is an innocent arab. You will see in the Chutz l’oretz media , Arab attacted by Israei. We are in golus.

  3. Now that it has been revealed that the injured man is an AMERICAN, will democrat Chris Wray send in his FBI pervert hitmen to “investigate” this attempted murder, or does that only apply to terrorist reporters???!

  4. Thomas Snides should be forced to visit this former marine in his hospital bed. And in a just world his bags should be packed and he should be sent to live with his friends in this ****hole called Hawara. And Smotrich should never have apologized for suggesting the most logical thing to do to this hellhole after the murder of the Yaniv brothers and MK Tzvika Fogel should sue the body that investigated him for suggesting the hell hole to be destroyed.

  5. Can we just take a moment and reflect on the fact B’H He is in stable condition and that we should focus tefillah on his recovery, not political meandering or stating any political statements, time and again on this site, these message boards focus on agendas and lose focus on the person and their family that was injured?
    This is clearly not the time or the forum for statements that are in this thread, clearly, this is a real disconnect in our priorities as a people

  6. America has always been slow learners. Just look at the scores of the public schools across the country. I guess this will also be blamed on Covid, or as they call it in Israel, Corona.

  7. Time to eliminate entire Huwara & entire Supreme Court, and sleepy joe better not dare open his senile demented mouth, because a USA Citizen was shot this time.

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