Poll: Bibi Leads Candidates in Premiership Race

bibi.jpgAccording to a Channel 10 TV poll, Likud opposition party leader MK Binyamin Netanyahu remains in the lead in a premiership race including Foreign Minister Tzipi Livni and Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

In the three-way race, Netanyahu received 36% of the vote, as compared to 24.6% for Livni and 11.9% for Barak.

In a three-way race in which Transportation Minister Shaul Mofaz replaces Tzipi Livni, Netanyahu moves up more with 36.6% as compared to 14.8% for Barak and 12.4% for Mofaz.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

7 Responses

  1. I’m surprised that Mofaz doesn’t do better in general, especially better than Livni. Doesn’t he have the hands on experience?

  2. Right now anyone aligned with kadima & olmert wont poll well. Livni is doing well now cause she opposed Olmert for awhile. Its pretty obvious BIBI wins the next election – I think they will see something like 38 seats in the next election. Kadima will end up splitting. Some like mofaz will go back to the likud – Others will go to labor.

  3. Except that under the Israeli election system, what matters is the vote for parties, not preference for prime minister. Almost all of Livni’s support are people who will vote Kadima. Many of Barak’s supporters will vote for Meretz or other left wing parties. Many of Netanyahu’s supporters will vote for one of the religious or nationalist parties. Thus Livni may actually be in the best position since she’ll end up with more seats than Likud, and then can recruit most of the lift wing parties (terrified of Netanyahu for ideological reasons) and Shas (more concerned about the welfare of their supporters than foreign affairs) in a recreation of the current coalition.

  4. Al tivtechu bindivim, bven adam shayn lo seshua.
    But I I woulod sure love it if Bibi wins anywya. Whatever past they bring up about him, he never gave back land, and he still has that attitude.

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