WSJ: Israeli Left Sows Chaos & Then Yells: ‘Look How Chaotic Israel Is’

Israelis protest plans by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's government to overhaul the judicial system, in Tel Aviv, Israel, Saturday, March 11, 2023. (AP Photo/Ohad Zwigenberg)

An article by the Wall Street Journal‘s editorial board on Monday accused Israel’s opposition of sowing chaos by making false claims about the government’s plan for judicial reform and then shouting, “Look how chaotic Israel has become.”

In the article entitled: Israel Needs Judicial Reform—but How? the author states: “Opposition to Israeli judicial reform has reached the ‘resistance’ stage. That’s when media say democracy is dying, officials refuse to remain impartial, activists block key roads, barricade think tanks and harass politicians’ families, and investors muse about pulling capital. Air Force pilots are even shirking reserve duty.”

“This is bad for the country, but it’s good opposition politics: Sow chaos, then shout, ‘Look how chaotic Israel has become.’”

Repeating many of the same points emphasized in an editorial on the same subject in January, the editorial slammed US President Joe Biden for saying that “Israel needs consensus” – pointing out that Israeli Supreme Court President Aharon Barak’s usurpation of unprecedented power for the judiciary had no consensus.

“The judicial establishment examines everything — from government appointments through budget cuts, military decisions, and even a debate on whether the prime minister was fit for office.”

“Israel would be made more democratic, not less, and the judicial safeguards would remain. The Israeli system might even become more functional, for a change. Today there is no limit on cases that Israel’s high court can hear, in contrast to the US, where a litigant must have a concrete injury to have standing to sue.”

Responding to the protesters’ claims that the judicial reform would “destroy democracy,” the editorial states: “Even if the reforms were to abolish judicial review of legislation, leaving the Knesset supreme, this would drag Israel all the way back to … 1995” – when Israel was a democracy.

The article stresses: “A sovereign parliament is the norm in parliamentary democracies that lack a written constitution for courts to enforce.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. The goal of zionism is to reduce the Jewish people to the level of the goyim, and the goyim tend to be very chaotic, so where’s the hiddush.

  2. On 2017 January 29, Rabbi Lazer Brody of Breslov gave a public lecture titled:
    “Aleinu and Donald Trump”. In this lecture, Rabbi Lazer Brody said:

    “Political Correctness [what the Leftists believe in] and truth have nothing to do with one other, and most of the time are the exact opposite.”

  3. To the idiot, Akuperma: the goal of Zionism is to return the Jewish people to their homeland in Eretz Yisroel. Get your head out of your ass.

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