WATCH: Hundreds Of Ponevezh Bochurim Learn 4 Consecutive Hours On Purim


Hundreds of yeshivah bochurim in Yeshivas Ponevezh in Bnei Brak learned for four consecutive hours on leil Purim.

The learning seder was carried out in accordance with the instructions of Rosh Yeshivas Ponevezh HaGaon HaRav Gershon Edelstein.

At midnight, the bochurim ended the seder and broke out in spirited dancing and ended the night with an emotional tefillah.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

6 Responses

  1. Who cares. All their learning is לשוא as long as the שנאת חינם runs the place. Just goes to show only thing yeshivos and roshei yeshiva care about nowadays is כבוד. Turns what would be such beautiful learning into a חילול ה’ נורא

  2. How is this news. News is what is unusual, such as “Man bites dog” as opposed to “Dog bites man”. Bnei Torah usually learn Torah, especially a yeshiva. Bitul Torah in a yeshiva is newsworthy. An Am ha-Aretz learning Torah is newsworthy.

  3. akuperma The fact that they have a four hour seder on purim night is unusual because most yeshivas don’t do a seder on purim night, let alone a four hour seder, therefore it is news.

  4. MosheBinyomin you couldn’t possibly make up any more rubbish. You are completely mislead, roshei yeshiva’s do not run for כבוד in fact they run the opposite way. The shteiging is not לשוא, it is, quoting GotAGoodPoint, “beautiful” especially on leil purim. Lmaiser you are spewing out rubbish, which is not needed and is obnoxious.

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