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Anti Chareidi Sentiment Increasing as Election Fever Get Underway

It did not take long for those who harbor disdain for the chareidi public to begin exhibiting their bias – only a short time after Prime Minister Ehud Olmert on Wednesday evening announced he does not plan to run for reelection and he will step down following the Kadima primaries.

One of the four contenders to replace Olmert is Minister of the Interior Meir Sheetrit, who appeared on at least two news programs on Wednesday night following the prime minister’s address.

Sheetrit came out strongly against “giving into chareidi blackmail,” rejecting and possibility of meeting Shas demands for a return of the monthly child allowance payments of the past. He was adamant in his total opposition towards entertaining any requests “from the chareidim” and indicated if elected, he would move towards forming a government that did not give in to any chareidi demands that he views as contrary to the national interests.

On the other hand, there are those warning of what will occur if Shaul Mofaz wins in the Kadima election, with numerous political commentators already cautioning against Mofaz, “who is likely to turn to the right-wing and the chareidim” to form a government, as if to say such an occurrence is unacceptable.

Unfortunately, as the elections draw nearer, the realization that a solid coalition will not be formed without the inclusion of the chareidim, primarily Shas; has some people annoyed and the negative sentiments as the government’s future appears limited at best seem to be on the rise.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

3 Responses

  1. this is the time for the chareidim to unite either as one entity or as a deal stating neither will join without the other

  2. Good idea, #2 have all religious parties unite (quite unlikely, since its hard to share the coffee).
    Being against raising the child allowances is not being ANTI-charadei, sounds like the public does not agree to religious coercion, something to think about.

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