2009 May Bring an Entrance Fee to Tel Aviv

Gideon Citerman, the general-manager of the Transportation Ministry announced that beginning in 2009, a private vehicle entering the Greater Tel Aviv Area will have to pay NIS 25-50 a day.

Citerman was addressing a meeting of the Knesset Environmental Affairs Committee dealing with reducing fumes resulting from traffic in the Tel Aviv area. The revenue generated from motorists entering the city will be directed towards improving the area’s public transportation.

Committee chairman Ofer Pines stated that reducing air pollution must remain the dominant factor, not just reducing traffic congestion. He pointed out the solution on the table is discriminatory, since those unable to pay the fee are barred from the area while those who can afford it are able to come and go as they please.

The plan to charge for entering Tel Aviv began in 1999, and in 2004, a tender was publicized to begin preparations. “It cannot be that nothing was done in ten years. There is a great deal of talk and little action,” stated Pines.

It was decided in three months, the committee will convene again and transportation officials will present their plan and proposals for improved service and then a bill will be drafted to move ahead with the plan.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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