Day Two Of Agudath Yisroel of America Yarchei Kallah Yerushalayim Highlights [LARGE PHOTO GALLERY]

The feeling of accomplishment and intense satisfaction increased as the Yerushalayim Yarchei Kallah concluded its second full day. The Sugya of עני המהפך בחררה which had seemed so hazy on day one began to come into sharp focus. Plumbing into the incredible Chazal and studying together for many hours brought unusual clarity.

Today’s Shiur Iyun was given by HaRav Dovid Cohen with a simultaneous English Shiur by HaRav Yosef Elephant. These Shiurim enraptured their audiences by contrasting and comparing numerous Sugyos throughout Shas to bring the Gemorah, Rashi, Tosfos, Rishonim, and Achronim to life weaving a tapestry of brilliant Machshovos.

The afternoon was highlighted by a discussion of practical Halacha by HaRav Nissan Kaplan about the realities of competition and earning a livelihood through the eyes of our Chachomim. It’s too brief for one paragraph, but his discussion of the Global Marketplace and the rise of the dominance of importing from China were thoroughly discussed and analyzed. Non-stop, excited give and take, and the many cogent questions turned the shiur into one giant vibrant Chabura.

The Halacha Shiur was followed with a poignant and emotional Hesped for the Sar HaTorah Maran HaRav Chaim Kanievsky ZT” L delivered by HaRav Eliyahu Mann, one of his closest Talmidim. He gave deep insights into the life and teachings of the Gadol Hador. It was followed by a special Seuda and Siyum on Meseches Kiddushin learned by the participants L’zecher Nishmaso.

The day ended with hundreds of Lomdim visiting Kever Rochel for Tefilos. Although very tired, they were all very happy with the incredible Simchas HaTorah and filled with great anticipation for the day to come.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

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