“Family Of Heroes:” The Lubavitch Cousin Of The Bedouin Policeman Killed In Terror Attack

Chareidim10/Israel Police

The late Staff Sgt. Asil Sawaed, who was murdered on Monday in a terror attack at the Shufat checkpoint, is a relative of a Chabad chassid in Australia, Rami Ben-David, Chareidim10 reported.

Ben-David was born as Hasan Sawaed in the village of Wadi Selma in the Galil. He served in the IDF in the paratroopers and was later misgayeir. To this day, Rami, who lived for a number of years in Kfar Chabad before moving to Australia, maintains a warm relationship with his Bedouin relatives in the Galil.

It should be noted that Asil is the 17th member of the Sawaed tribe to be killed while serving the State.

This is what Maor Farid, Rami’s son-in-law, wrote on Tuesday morning [in Hebrew]:

“The late Sergeant Asil Sawaed, who was murdered yesterday in the attack, is a relative of mine.

“No, it’s not an expression – for real.

“My wife Michal’s father was born as Hasan Sawaed in the village of Wadi Selma in the Galil, served in the paratroopers, converted, and over the years became Rami Ben-David – a Chabad Chasid. From then until today, the Sawaed family is flesh of our flesh, family members – in moments of joy and hardship, in brisos and azkaros.

“The Sawaed family is a family of heroes. Bedouins from the Galil who serve in the most combative units in the IDF, who sacrifice their lives for this land and the Am living in Tzion with mesiras nefesh. You can see it from the second you enter every house in the village – shelves full of certificates of appreciation and pictures of them in uniform next to books of the Quran.

“The late Asil was only a 22-year-old boy at the time of his death. A boy who made the decision to enlist in the Border Police out of pride, mission, love for our homeland and our people.

“May your soul be bundled in the bundle of life, my dear brother.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

10 Responses

  1. @ ujm

    Even if what you say is true it’s insensitive at a time when a young man has lost his life

    People still have to be a mensch in halocho
    We are not allowed to do things that make jewdism looked down upon by other religions
    Timing is everything
    Maybe you don’t know any better but shame on you MOD

  2. @ ujm – not entirely true.
    If we say that Shmayah and Avtalyon were descendants from Sancheriv, then they are still related to them – albeit not legally. Otherwise, we wouldnt say “their descendants”

  3. i dont usually agree with ujm but he is right

    when someone converts and joins the nation of israel he is no longer related to his former gentile family, only historical affiliation (he happens to know of them more than other goyim because he was raised with those people)

  4. A ger is no longer legally related to his birth family, but he is certainly physically and emotionally related. His birth parents are still the people who bore and (in most cases) raised him, and he is halachically required to continue to honor them. His birth siblings and cousins should continue to matter to him, provided and to the extent that he continues to matter to them.

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