Paley Shiva House: Two Women Take On Shemiras Shabbos


The Paley shiva house is packed with visitors, mostly from the Chareidi kehilla but many who are not.

Jews from all strata of society were shocked by the brutal deaths of such innocent children, the pain of the family who lost two sons in one heavy blow, and the strong emunah of the mother, Devorah Paley.

Kol Chai reported that during the shiva, two women, who were not connected to each other, told Devorah Paley that in the wake of the attack, they decided to be mechazeik in shemiras hamitzvos, with both deciding to take on Shemiras Shabbos and covering their hair.

Additionally, students from a Shuvu school in Netanya were brought by their teacher to the shiva house and each student told Devorah what kabbalos they took on l’illus nishmos the kedoshim. Some of the kabbalos the students [many of whom are in the early stages of shemiras hamitzos] took on were: Hanachas Tefillin every day, respecting friends, Shemiras Shabbat, and Kibbud Horim.

Devorah then said to the students: “First of all, thank you so much. Your kabbalos give us a lot of chizzuk. We feel like this is everyone’s tzarah. I want to tell you – you’re teens with your whole life ahead of you. These children [Asher, h’yd & Yaakov, h’yd] apparently already reached their tikkun, they can’t learn anymore. But you can continue and advance – I want to tell you one small thing. Yaakov, z’l, was a child who always said ‘thank you very much’ for everything. I told him one day: ‘Yaakov, you’re a Jewish child, you say thank you. A Jew says thank you.’ We had a saying in the house: ‘Don’t say oof [darn it], say perek kuf – Mizmor L’Todah.’

“This is something you can take on. It’s not something that’s very difficult. When something annoying or bothersome happens, to remember that we’re Jews, that Hashem is with us, that it’s from Him.”

Devorah then thanked the students again for their kabbalohs and said it should be a zechus for her husband and all of Klal Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Wow!! Very rare to see such pure Tzidkus. May the family have a Nechama, and may their obvious unadulterated Bitachon be a זכות for a רפואה שלימה for their father/husband.
    …המקום ינחם אתכם

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