TERROR IN JERUSALEM: Policeman Killed After He Was Stabbed, Then Hit By Friendly Fire

On Monday evening, an Israeli border patrol officer was killed in a stabbing attack at a checkpoint near the entrance of the Shuafat refugee camp in Jerusalem. The officer and a civilian security guard were conducting a routine inspection of passengers entering the city when a 13-year-old Palestinian terrorist pulled out a knife.

The terrorist managed to stab the officer and wound him. The civilian security guard then opened fire inside the bus, but accidentally hit the Border Police officer. The officer, in his 20s, was taken to Hadassah Hospital in critical condition. Doctors attempted to resuscitate the officer but were unsuccessful.

The officer killed in the attack has been identified as Staff Sgt. Asil Su’ad, 22, from the northern Bedouin village of Hosniyeh.

The attack was the second to occur in Jerusalem within hours.

Su’ad served as a career member of the N.D. company in the Border Police, responsible for protecting Jerusalem. Sgt. Asil enlisted in the Border Police in March of 2019 for his mandatory service and served in the same company. At the end of his mandatory service, he fought to serve permanently at the same company and location.

Sgt. Asil’s friends in the company talk about him as the happiest man, always helping and assisting everyone, always committed to every task and loved serving towards the security of the country.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

21 Responses

  1. pure yiddishkeit: what kind of detritus-type sarcasm is this?

    the answer is to make Israel more Religious, more Secure, more Right-Wing, and more in line with the Torah.

    but this takes a long while to get done because israel right now is a democracy.
    if orthodox chutznikim would move to EY it would certainly be a great help

  2. This incident proves the point, that having guns isn’t the answer to all situations. In this incident, it worsened the situation.

  3. “Please ben Gvir:- Fulfill your bandage…”

    Ben Gvir is a dangerous zealot and will be tolerated by Netanyahu up to a point. Netanyahu has already reversed several of his stupid decisions that would have worsened already tense situations and “legalized” only 9 of the 77 “settlements” that BG proposed be immediately recognized.
    As to “fulfilling his bandage”, I’ll leave the hidden meaning of that word salad up to you but BG does not have authority to deport or much less take any action against any member of the judiciary absent a violation of the law.

  4. @Baby Squirrel
    what you don’t realize is, that most of us orthodox xhutznikim don’t buy zionist lore tales, and we follow the תןרה which tells us that a medinah before moshiach is dangerous…

  5. As long as there’s a Medinah before Hashem has redeemed us, these are the repercussions. These animals stop at nothing. Life is of no value. They know they’ll die anyway so have nothing to lose.
    Its the innocent people that are suffering.
    These horrid acts are beyond sad with no end in sight.
    Ben Gvir is a Rasha that is a piece of bloodstain. He’s just making it impossible for Jews. דין רודף.

  6. Nobody in history has EVER claimed that arming everyone will automatically solve every problem and turn the world into gan eden. What is often claimed because it is perfectly true is that being armed makes you and everyone around you safer than not being armed. That’s why soldiers and security guards and police are all armed! If it weren’t true then they would go unarmed; does anyone think that would make anyone but the criminals safer?!

    Of course friendly fire happens. It has always happened and it will always happen; nothing can stop it without putting everyone in more danger than they are now. But the people on the bus were in far more danger from the terrorist than from the two armed guards, and the guards were in more danger from terrorists than from each other.

    The assumption 2scents is dishonestly hiding is that civilian security guards are worse shots than soldiers, and that armed citizens are worse shots than policemen. We know that is not true. On the contrary, decades of experience tells us that, at least in the USA, policemen are notoriously poor shots, and are far more likely than ordinary citizens to miss their shots and hit someone else. In any criminal situation in the USA you are in far more danger of friendly fire from a policeman than from an armed bystander.

    In Israel both police and soldiers are better trained than they are here, but so are security guards and anyone else who would be carrying, since they’re all trained by the same military.

  7. GHD as usual gets the truth backwards. These attacks happen only because Netanyahu keeps reversing Ben-Gvir’s decisions. Harav Hagaon Meir Kehane HYD was right, and every year we learn more and more how right he was. A government that took his teachings seriously would soon put an end to these attacks. But Netanyahu would rather live with terrorism than implement the Torah’s “illiberal” views.

  8. That first comment- knocking moving to Eretz Yisroel was a real mistake.
    Comment #3 replied nicely to that first comment. I do believe that this man is smarter and better then a baby squirrel.
    I am sure that most Rabbonim today will agree that if a person is able to find Parnassa in Eretz Yisroel, then by all means, pick up and move. I am assuming that the schools for your children in Eretz Yisroel, you will need to do some research to find the best schools suitable for your children.

  9. “as the brisker ruv said it will only bring shfichas dumim to yiden”

    What is the “IT” that will trigger bloodshed??

  10. since the world war 2 there was no place in the all globe that Jews has been killd like in this medina ay after day ,even in Iran Jews are not getting killd

  11. since the world war 2 there was no place in the all globe that Jews has been killd like in this medina day after day ,even in Iran Jews are not getting kill

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