MORE TERROR: Arab Teenager Stabs 17-Year-Old Near Kosel; Arrested After Hiding on Har Habayis

A 14-year-old Palestinian terrorist stabbed a 17-year-old male on Rechov Hashalshelet in Jerusalem’s Old City on Monday afternoon. The terrorist, a resident of Shuafat, was arrested after fleeing the scene and attempting to hide on the Har Habayis. The knife used in the attack has been recovered.

Magen David Adom said it received calls for help at 3:54 pm with reports of a stabbing victim near the Kosel. A spokesman said EMTs and Paramedics treated and transported a 17-year-old male in mild condition with a stab wound to Hadassah Ein Karem Hospital.

MDA EMTs Yehuda Zand and Baruch Weissman: “The victim went to a tunnel near the Kotel with a stab wound, and conscious. He told us he was stabbed near Shalshelet Gate and escaped towards the Kotel. We provided first aid, stopped the bleeding and bandaged him, and conveyed him in mild condition for further treatment in hospital.


(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

3 Responses

  1. Hashem should save and protect us and there should never be another terror attack… but if I ever have the sacred duty and opportunity to defend others from a terrorist I will do everything I can to take him or her down by biting out their throat and tearing their still beating heart right out of their chest.

    In times such as these we must channel the warrior spirit of our holy ancestors such as Shmuel Hanavi, Dovid Hamelech, Yael, Chushim and the Chashmonaim. Prayer, mitzvot, Torah, diplomacy – of course. And also ferocious fearless unreserved acts of heroic violent self defense.

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