ANARCHY: Tel Aviv Mayor Endorses “Bloodshed” Over Netanyahu’s Judicial Reforms

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai (Screenshot: YouTube)

Tel Aviv Mayor Ron Huldai is being accused of inciting violence after implicitly endorsing murder as the government moves forward with its planned judicial reforms.

“This is the history of the world. Countries become dictatorships through the use of democratic tools…. Countries do not become democratic again, except with bloodshed,” Huldai commented about the plan.

Huldai lamented the Knesset Judiciary Committee’s passage of one component of the planned overhaul on Monday, declaring that it is a “black day in which the decision was made to turn Israel into a dictatorship and a state of halachah.

National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called for an immediate investigation into Huldai’s incitement.

“The attorney general must immediately order an investigation against Ron Huldai. The mayor of Tel Aviv has no immunity and no privilege to incite murder. His call is serious and he must be questioned about it and stand trial,” Ben-Gvir said.

Information Minister Galit Distel-Atbaryan of the Likud Party tweeted in part, “A mayor who calls for fratricide and bloodshed in the streets must end his life in prison. Enough already with this leniency towards the privileged elites who are working to destroy the state.”

The Likud party filed a police complaint against Huldai, and National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir called for him to be investigated by Police. “The mayor of Tel Aviv has no immunity, and no privilege to incite murder,” he said. “His call [for bloodshed] is serious, and he must be questioned and prosecuted.”

Even opposition member Benny Gantz – who is also opposed to the judicial reforms – condemned Huldai.

“We are in an emergency situation and we are in a fight. But our struggle is for Israeli democracy, not a struggle between us. The pain and fear have their place, but we must immediately stop the violent discourse and rampage on both sides that could send us into the abyss,” Gantz said.

“Huldai’s call is dangerous, out of place and more than that—it harms the righteous struggle,” he said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

7 Responses

  1. Trial on sedation for those who call for civil war.
    But guess what
    The same scums own the courts
    No wonder Justice Reform is a must even if US and EU is paying for civil war.

  2. The judicial overreach in israel is abhorrent.
    When you try to describe the current situation to an outsider they think it is more like a third world Justice system.
    The fact that a court can overrule a law without justification or reject justices nomination is unreal

  3. Trial on sedation?! That evokes some entertaining images all right.

    Of course in the USA this would be protected speech, and he could not be tried for anything. But Israel is not the USA, there is no freedom of speech, and those of us on the right have had to watch what we said for at least the last 30 years. We’ve known that we could be arrested at any time for expressing the wrong opinions, and that anyone around us might be an informer. And it was the left, people like Huldai, who created that situation, and made and enforced those laws. So now he and the others should be made to lie in the bed they made. Arrest them all and treat them the way their Shabak treated us.

  4. The so called “progressives” who use this kind of hyperbole are actually playing into the hands of BG and other rightists. Words matter and these words warrant investigation and prosecution.

  5. Vicious…..Tel Aviv better get down on their knees and Daven…..all of this is from Hashem…..we have to all pray…..plain and simple…what we see here is evidence that there are far too many people that don’t deserve one breath…..taking it away from others well, it is G-ds job…ours is to DAVEN

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