NEXT LEVEL DEFILEMENT: Woman Detained At Kosel After Inappropriate Act

On Sunday, a 35-year-old woman entered the Kosel dressed in such a disrespectful and  inappropriate way – the likes of which have never seen before at the holiest Jewish site on the globe. The woman, who is a resident of Jerusalem’s city center, was immediately detained by police officers on suspicion of purposely disrespecting a holy place. She was transferred for questioning.

HaRav Shmuel Rabinowitz, the Rav of the Kosel and Mekomos HaKedoshim expressed his deep shock and pain at the “despicable provocation” and emphasized the importance of keeping the site unifying and free from controversy.

The incident also brought to light a proposed bill by the Shas party last week that would make it a criminal offense to wear non-tznius clothing or play musical instruments at the Kosel.

The proposed bill was met with outrage, with even some Chareidim decrying the bill. The Kikar H’Shabbat website published an article condemning the law, saying it would simply increase the chillul of the Kosel by fueling further provocative protests and giving progressive groups ammunition for “unlimited power throughout the world.”

However, Justice Minister Yariv Levin assured the public that the Shas bill would not be on the Cabinet Committee on Legislation’s agenda when it meets.

YWN notes that it would be interesting to see what the outcome would be if this woman did this despicable stunt on the Har Habyis (at the Al Aqsa Mosque).

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

28 Responses

  1. sad, you are as easily sentencing people for not abiding by his desire to change a law, instead, you jeopardize his name , his person and more….not so sure about any of this other than one dresses properly in the Vatican and one is appropriate in places like Kashmir and other Holy Places….stop testing us….we are grown up….thankfully BIBI is exactly where he needs to be….this is done right…the rest is a side dish

  2. If she was dressed so outrageously, maybe they should have informed her at the security checkpoint that she cannot enter the Kosel plaza for being dressed immodestly. She probably is just some chiloni woman who had a hirur of teshuvah and wanted to go be near a makom kadosh but now never will attempt teshuvah again for the rest of her life, having been traumatized by some humiliating interrogation at the hands of the Zionazi sadists that occupy the place. Nice work, Zionazis.

  3. What a horrible comment from the editor

    “Interesting”? It would be terrible to see such a thing. Har habayis has MORE kedusha than the Kosel Plaza. so much so that it requires going to mikva, and even then most poskim prohibit it.

    How could you say it would be “interesting” to see such a zilzul of a makom hamikdash !?!

  4. These incidents are best handled on a case-by-case basis so that prosecutors can distinguish between deliberate provocations by local protestors and some clueless American tourist who shows up in a sleeveless sundress and flip flops.

  5. As sad as this is, and while the Schina is crying, the Israelis are boosting it.
    Did anyone see the latest “Tel Aviv Yerushalayim ads?” Portraying lowlifes w colored hair dancing and boasting about night life and then kissing the kotel and advertising the spiritual life in Israel too.
    Why wldnt those bums walk to up to holy places, clad in their disgusting ad “wardrobe?”
    Hey all u people sucking up to the Zionist government. You cant have it all. If Zionism is accepted and even promoted, then you will sadly have this ugliness by spiritual places too.
    Although it’s terribly sad, u dont get to choose what part of Zionism “u agree with.”

  6. We have lost our “ge’on yaakov” (Jewish pride).

    Read the following rules:

    “Its basic code is for both men and women both need to cover their knees and upper arms. They prohibit wearing shorts or skirts above the knee, sleeveless tops, and low-cut shirts. Although this is sometimes harder to follow during the summer months, without following these guidelines, you will be turned away”

    Those are not rules for the Kosel. They are the rules for entering the Vatican!!!

    The Chilonim respect these rules when they visit the Vatican – they know that Gentile “holy places” must be respected. No one has an issue that the Vatican has such “old-fashioned” rules imposed on all visitors. Yet the Chilonim (and nebech, even plenty of Chareidim) holler in an uproar if such rules are even suggested for the Kosel.

    The proposed bill by Shas was met with outrage, with even some Chareidim decrying the bill
    Are the Chareidim worried that having the same rules as the Vatican at our Kosel is b’chuko’sayhem lo tei’leichu?! Nebech. Where is the “ge’on yaakov”?!

  7. If a woman appeared in a bikini swimsuit at ANY church or mosque – she would be evicted and possible charged with disrespecting a holy place or tresspassing etc.

    Everyone would condemn her!

    Yet when the prayer place of the Kosel is disrespected, we aren’t sure what to do!

    Are we the “am novon v’chochom”?!

  8. For those downplaying it, it was freezing cold outside today and you can easily check on other websites to find out what she was wearing. She obviously needs mental help because no one sane would do that.

  9. @ubiquitin: It would be interesting if such a case would occur, to see the response from the Muslim Authorities of the Temple Mount.

    also, the outer perimeter of the temple mount definitely does not give one כרת, and the entrances are far before that, even goyim and unmikvaed people were allowed to walk around there freely when the beis hamikdash was standing

  10. Very entertaining reading comments when people clearly have no idea what happened. This woman was obviously dressed at the checkpoint and she took off her clothes in the woman’s section and was dressed only in her underwear with the words Bibi written on her thigh. This was obviously a deliberate provocation and protest. This woman deserves humiliation and much worse from “Zionists”. She had no “hirhur teshuva” she is a disgusting zona that has a special place in hell. The editor’s comment regarding har habayis makes perfect sense. This woman would have got literrally stoned if she tried this in the muslim controlled Har Habayis. The editor is expressing how liberal and lax the rules of the Kosel are. In any other Holy Site strict rules are actually enforced. Men can’t even enter the Vatican if they are wearing shorts. The rules at the kosel are a joke.

  11. The weather is really very cold here now in Yerushalayim (4-8) and she didn’t come to the Kosel in a bathing suit with any “hihurei teshevah”, nor was she a “clueless tourist”. She got through the security guards because she took off her coat after she passed by them.

  12. It’s interesting but not surprising that the comments above that are expressing disgustingly bigoted anti-Zionist hatred seem to be coming from the ugliest and most depraved people. I feel sorry for these individuals.

  13. ‘The proposed bill was met with outrage, with even some ‘Chareidim’ decrying the bill. The Kikar H’Shabbat website published an article condemning the law……” ??? How could “Chareidim” decry such a bill. These “Chareidim” referred must be the Modern Orthodox but not necessarily observers of proper tznius. “Chariedim” means people who are completely Shomer Torah Umitzvos, and someone truly Shomer Torah Umitzvos would not decry a bill that demands modesty at such a Holy site.

  14. Ooh, I just checked for the pictures on another site. Big mistake. Guys (and some of you women), don’t repeat my mistake! May we all come to teshuva.

  15. The negative comments about Zionism are the epitome of sinat hinam. What on earth does Zionism have to do with this? There are so called Zionists whose limud Torah and shemirat halacha can make everyone in these comments look like goyim. It’s disgraceful and is the root reason the bet Hamikdash has not been rebuilt. You need to get over what a group of Zionists did. Look at the reality today. Are there Jews who love the state of Israel who are also shomer Torah umissvot? stop it already.

  16. the likes of which have never seen before at the holiest Jewish site on the globe.

    Nonsense. First of all, the kosel is not the holiest Jewish site on the globe. That would be on the other side of the wall, the Har Habayis and Mekom Hamikdash.

    Second, our history tells us that Titus took a woman of the same profession as this one, wearing a whole lot less, into the Kodesh Hakodoshim itself, and partook of her services on top of the poroches. So there is nothing new under the sun.

  17. she was wearing undergarments….shame on her and shame on this story….awful…no discussion at all…..this isn’t even summer when this is more prevelant

  18. This article posted is misleading us to think she was just just dressed inappropriately. The truth was she was not dressed at all. The actual video and photos showed a naked woman parading her body straight ahead to the men’s side. This was a very sad event and the woman was obviously not stable and hopefully got the help she needs.

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