BEYOND SICK: Palestinians Celebrate Yerushalayim Terror Attack with Ghoulish Cartoon

As media outlets across the world play the “both sides” game over the horrific murder of a newly married avreich and two brothers, ages 6 and 8, in Yerushalayim on Friday, Palestinian terror supporters aren’t hiding their glee over the cold-blooded massacre of innocent civilians and children.

A sickening cartoon making the rounds on social media portrays Palestinians gathered around a table and partaking in a meal made out of the head of one of Friday’s terror victims.

The stomach-turning cartoon’s caption reads: “The best Friday and the best upside-down (Mansaf).” Mansaf is a popular Arab dish that actually has an antisemitic legend connected to it, in which the ancient king of Moav told his people to cook meat with milk as an insult to Jews, who cannot eat it.

An Al Jazeera article about the dish stated that the dish continues to be served and that its cookers use it as a way of “declaring their enmity towards the Jews until the Day of Judgement.”

A commenter wrote, “If this is true, then eating mansaf is a sort of jihad against the Jews.”

These are the people – nay, the animals – that the world at large insists Israel must make peace with. Animals who not only delight in the murder of innocent Jews – including one children – but hand out sweets, dance in the streets, and create vile cartoons about, all in the name of stomping out Jews.

There’s no “both sides” argument to make. One side despises death, the other revels in it.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

17 Responses

  1. Will democrats Ned Price and Jake Sullivan contact Mr. Abbas in order to put a stop to this? Will Chris Wray send his FBI perverts to investigate this?

  2. The Neturei Karta want these evil bloodthirsty murderers to rule over 100% of Eretz Yisrael, which would then become 100% Judenrein (100% free of Jews).

    When will good Jews take serious actions against the Neturei Karta?

  3. they all have a חזקה of being רוצחים and שונאי ישראל, thus moving them far from the ability to hurt Jews is an obligation of פיקוח נפש for the yidden and must be done if we are to have the ability to live & learn torah in peace without the constant threat of being butchered and killed by these animals


    the Neturei Karta must be put in חרם.

    their rhetoric and soft stance against obvious & bloodthirsty שונאי ישראל like the Arabs endanger the lives of yidden everywhere

  5. With all this talk of kill the Arabs/kill Neturei Kartah…..

    We are just projecting the blame on “yenem”. We all need to do a personal cheshbon hanefesh and strengthen ourselves in our Torah and dikduk hamitzvos.

    Our own Torah and dikduk hamitzvos….NOT our chaver’s.

  6. The stomach-turning cartoon’s caption reads: “The best Friday and the best upside-down (Mansaf).” Mansaf is a popular Arab dish that actually has an antisemitic legend connected to it, in which the ancient king of Moav told his people to cook meat with milk as an insult to Jews, who cannot eat it.

    Mansaf does not mean “upside-down”; it means “large dish”. “Upside-down” is maqlub, which does not usually feature meat and milk. And that is what the cartoon names, not mansaf.


    The so-called “Palestinians” all have a חזקה גדולה of being רוצחים and אויבי ישראל.

    Thus, removing their ability to hurt Jews is an obligation of פיקוח נפש and must be done, if we are to live & learn Torah in peace, without the constant threat of being brutally murdered by these bloodthirsty predatory animals.

    Send all the so-called “Palestinians” to China, with a one-way-ticket.
    China is expert in handling Muslim terrorists; the so-called “Palestinians” will vanish forever 🙂

  8. [Brooke Goldstein – Warrior to #EndJewHatred. Mom of 3 Boys. Exec Dir @LawfareProject. Civil Rights Lawyer. Author. Filmmaker. Drummer. : @WashingtonPost, @Newsweek, @FoxNews]

    Brooke Goldstein @GoldsteinBrooke
    Tweeted on Feb 11, 2023:

    The depravity of Islamist incitement knows no limit. This is a cartoon going viral in Palestinian social media circles depicting a Palestinian family eating the head of one of the victims of the Palestinian terror attack in Jerusalem.

    Activist Moran T wrote:

    We are dealing with Nazis, there is no other word. A cartoon of Bahaa Yaseen following yesterday’s attack in Ramot: “The best blessed Friday and the best Palestinian Maqluba” [dish].

    A purely Nazi drawing.

  9. The blurred face in the cartoon is that of R’ Alter Shlomo Lederman, Hashem Yikom Domoi.
    His wife, Chaya Lederman, witnessed the murder of her husband and her life was destroyed within a second, needs us to help her recover.

    The rehabilitation and recovery expenses are enormous. All of us want to help her put her life together, to help the young widow rebuild. Words are insufficient – we want to do something le’ilui nishomoso and for the good of the widow. She cannot do this on her own.
    This is the link for her fund.

    May all Yidden be spared pain and suffering, and may every Yid have
    רפואת הגוף והנפש בקרוב

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