Heartbreaking Scenes From Shiva: “What Will Be Without Our Two Sweeties?” [VIDEO]


Devorah Paley, who lost her two young sons in the Ramot terror attack, is also grappling with the fact that her husband, severely injured in the attack, is still sedated and ventilated.

“His body underwent severe trauma, he’s still ventilated,” she told Kan News. “He doesn’t know anything [about his sons’ deaths].”

“We hope that he’ll wake up healthy. The Borei Olam should give him koach to get up and endure the new reality.”

“What will be? What will be without our two ‘metukim’ [sweeties]?” she said. “Everyone loved them so much. Yaakov, z’l, was five, Asher, z’l, was seven. They were happy children, good children, children that loved to help, to be tzaddikim, children with great neshamos, children that talked about ideas like chessed, giving to others. A neighbor mentioned how they used to go around every Friday – we have an organization that we collect for people in need – they would make the rounds with the tzedaka box every Friday.”

Meanwhile, the two brothers who survived the attack are forced to sit shiva without the comforting presence of their father.

In the video below, the brother Tzviki describes how his younger brother Moishe was standing right to Alter Shlomo Lederman, h’yd, who was killed in the attack but yet Moishe was only lightly injured, Baruch Hashem.

“They were standing right next to each other,” Tzviki said. “The car injured him but not him. Why? We don’t understand cheshbonos Shamayim.”

Chief Rabbi Dovid Lau visited the father in Hadassah Har Hatzofim Hospital on Sunday morning.

Hadassah spokesperson

Since then, his condition has deteriorated and the public is asked to daven for a refuah sheleimah for Avraham Noach Ben Yehudis b’toch sha’ar cholei Yisrael.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

5 Responses

  1. So heartbreaking! No words!
    ומחה ה’ אלוקים דמעה מעל כל פנים.
    May אברהם נח בן יהודית have a Refuah Sh’laima and may the mother and other children be נתנחם.

  2. Hashem we cant anymore!
    Hashem bless them with strength.
    Refua sheleima to Avraham Noach Ben Yehudis

    On a separate note do these bnos Yisrael and the devastated brothers give permission for their photos at their most vulnerable time to be shared with the world?

  3. I live in England and do not know them but would be interested to know if there is an email address for writing the family a shiva letter.

    Also, do they speak English?

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