WATCH: Israel Police Seal Family Home Of Ramot Terrorist

Israeli security forces in A-Tor. (Photo: Israel Police)

Police forces from the Jerusalem district, Border Guard officers, and IDF soldiers operated overnight Motzei Shabbos in the A-Tur neighborhood of east Jerusalem, sealing off the family home of the Ramot terrorist.

A statement from Israel Police said: “The house of the terrorist’s parents, where he lived in the past and where his two brothers who were arrested live now, was seized by police and security forces after it was evacuated and its contents evacuated. Tonight, the sealing of all the openings of the house was carried out after receiving the required approvals and in accordance with the sealing order and confiscation of the house.”

“In the hours after the attack, the terrorist’s relatives and family members were arrested and interrogated about their involvement and knowledge of the attack.”

The terrorist’s two brothers were brought to the Jerusalem Magistrate’s Court on Motzei Shabbos and the court approved the extension of their detention.

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

9 Responses

  1. @ac23, sorry, guy, but I see nothing sacrosanct about this act of sealing houses. It’s not a mitzvah in the Torah, unless I missed something? There’s actually a housing crisis in Yisroel right now. So, yea, sort of seems like a waste of precious real estate… Does thinking so make me filth? Does the fact that I think the Zionazis are incompetent make me filth? Does the fact that I recognize Zionist national socialists for what they are make me filth? My hygiene is alright.

  2. This house is in the middle of an arab neighborhood. The housing shortage will not be impacted. Seal the family out if their comfort is a good plan. Relieve these opposum rats of some of their comforts.

  3. I think the best plan would be to seal those subhuman monsters inside their houses and let them starve to death. Now THAT would be a deterrent.

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