SICKENING: CNN, NYT Refuse to Call Ramot Ramming Attack Terrorism

In yet another shocking example of the leftist media’s incorrigible anti-Israel bias, CNN and the New York Times refused to call the suspect who rammed his vehicle into a bus stop in Ramot on Friday what he is: a terrorist.

CNN’s headline blared that “car rams people at Jerusalem bus stop.” The article itself did no better – never once was the murderous suspect referred to as a terrorist; instead, the outlet only quoted Israeli officials who called the suspect a terrorist.

The New York Times, long known for its hatred of Israel, wrote that a “driver” rammed into a bus stop. A driver? They mean a terrorist, but can’t bring themselves to acknowledge it. The article doesn’t even mention that the terrorist was an Arab until the ninth paragraph – after an entire soliloquy about how many Arabs (read: terrorists) have been killed by IDF forces.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

18 Responses

  1. They keep writing things like this because it gets people who care about the NYT to become excited! Agudah and it’s mouthpiece YWN need to move on and stop with this narish secular idea – that you can somehow “fight antisemitism”. It’s not even hishtadlus to respond to secular media.

  2. Car ramming implies deliberate murder – there’s absolutely no need for them to spell out the word terrorist in the headline.

  3. I read the Times article. It reported in the very first sentence that police called the ramming a terrorist attack. Why does YWN allege falsehood about Times reports?

  4. Twenty years ago when I used to subscribe to them I would have been outraged.

    Today, The New York Times has so firmly established itself as a virulently anti-Semitic propaganda preacher that I expect no better from them and tune them out.

    Yes, they have a deleterious effect on their readers and the spreading of anti-Semitism but that is a general consistent and persistent issue with them. This article in itself is just par for their course.

  5. There are many, many instances where the NYT and CNN show their antisemitism and anti Israel bias. But this is not one of them. All this is, is regular journalistic language, where they say the police referred to it as a terrorist incident. If you continuously call out antisemitism, even when it’s not warranted, just to get more clicks, you cause people not to take real antisemitism seriously. Did you ever hear of the boy who cried wolf? Pick your battles carefully. Don’t be as journalistically irresponsible as the NYT and CNN.

  6. Barn Owl – the organization honest reporting does a tremendous job of calling out antisemitism in the media – and they DO make a difference.

  7. lakewood: this is not a universal standard that they have. If someone they didn’t like, like a white supremacist, did a terrorist attack, they would definitely call it so. “The police call it terrorism” is a way to weasel out.

  8. What’s even more sickening is frum people visit these sites. I could say that I haven’t clicked on a CNN nor NYT link in many years. They have long been long dead to me. The only MSM who I occasionally visit is WSJ.

  9. To doom777: You are half right and totally wrong. The report was in the news section. You seem to want the reporter to give his/her opinion. Make up your mind.

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