MOVING VIDEOS: “No Jew Will Be Left Alone In The World”


Israel’s Home Front Command soldiers, along with volunteers from ZAKA, United Hatzalah, and other organizations, have succeeded in rescuing 18 survivors from the rubble in Turkey as of Friday morning.

Along with the joy of saving lives amidst the death and destruction, the Israelis also carried out the heartbreaking task of locating and identifying the bodies of the president of the Jewish kehilla in Antakya, Turkey and his wife, Saul, z’l, and Fortuna, z’l, Cenudioglu (Janudi).

Following the intensive efforts, the ZAKA commander spoke words of chizzuk to the exhausted volunteers.

“It’s a very big mitzvah to take care of kavod hameis and that’s what we did during the rescue. All the efforts we made were for their sake. And for us, who are involved in these efforts, this is our statement as Israeli citizens, as shlichim of the state of Israel, of Am Yisrael, of the Home Front Command – to come and say: ‘No Jew throughout the world will remain alone. We will travel to the ends of the world to show them the kavod they deserve.'”

“This is what we did and that’s what we’re obligated to continue doing as long as it’s needed. And yehi ratzon that our actions will be l’illui nishmasam and we’ll be militzei yosher and support their relatives.”

“Daven for them and for us that Hakadosh Baruch Hu will say ‘dai’ to our tzaros and we’ll be zocheh l’geulah sheleimah bimheirah.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

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