Badatz Mashgiach In Turkey During Quake: “We Heard Screams, It’s Indescribable”

Rescue teams try to reach trapped residents inside collapsed buildings in Adana, Turkey, Feb. 6, 2023. (IHA agency via AP)

Among the millions of people who experienced the powerful earthquake in Turkey overnight Sunday were many Jews, including mashgichei kashrus from Israel.

Mashgiach Rav Moshe Berlinger described what he experienced to Kikar H’Shabbat: “On Sunday morning, we traveled – four mashgichim for Badatz Machzikei HaDas Belz – to various manufacturers in Turkey.”

“Three mashgichim, including myself, went to a manufacturer of yogurt and cheeses, and the fourth mashgiach went to a tortilla factory. When we arrived, the weather was very stormy with snow. It was hard to travel. We arrived late at night at the hotel and went to sleep because the next day we had to leave early to supervise the milking.”

“At around four in the morning, we got up to go supervise the milking and suddenly a strong earthquake began. The pictures hanging in the room fell, the walls and windows shook and one shattered. It was terribly frightening, it’s indescribable. I heard the other hotel guests screaming. You have to realize, we were on the tenth floor. Whatever I tell you can’t describe the feelings of panic. We ran downstairs to the courtyard where all the guests were and we found complete chaos there.”

“The fourth mashgiach was mamash in the area where buildings fell and there were many fatalities there. He can’t leave there – everything is closed. There are no flights, no cars or buses. He doesn’t know if he’ll manage to get home in time for Shabbos. The Badatz is in continuous contact with him and his family.”

“Did you feel the second earthquake?”

“Yes, of course. About two hours ago there was another earthquake. Luckily we were on the ground floor so we felt it less. We thank Hakadosh Baruch Hu for the chessed He did with us and we daven that He’ll continue to help us.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

3 Responses

  1. Unbelievable how difficult it is to earn a living. These guys travel to Turkey (not a very comfortable place to be) and get up 4 in the morning to do their jobs of supporting their families. Kol hakovod.

  2. Thank you for this article.
    I am happy all the Mashgichim survived.
    Hashem should send a Refuah Shlaimah to the people that got injured.

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