TOO LITTLE, TOO LATE: British Lawmaker Apologizes After Calling New Israeli Government “Fascist” [SEE VIDEO]

A British MP has apologized after coming under fire for referring to the new Netanyahu-led government in Israel “fascist.”

Labour MP Kim Johnson made the comment as she asked PM Rishi Sunak about “human rights violations” while speaking in Parliament. She apologized shortly after – after being ordered to do so by her party bosses.

“While there are far-right elements in the government, I recognize that the use of the term in this context was wrong,” Johnson begrudgingly said.

She also apologized for saying that rights group Amnesty International had described Israel as an “apartheid state.”

“Whilst I was quoting accurately Amnesty’s description, I recognize this is insensitive and I’d like to withdraw it,” she said.

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

8 Responses

  1. It’s the same as saying remember what I said last time I can’t say it again because nothing happened since then so now I weep an apology

  2. She is the MP for Liverpool Riverside! Scouse scum.

    Why does the River Mersey run through Liverpool? Because if it walked it would be mugged.

  3. Britain is but a flea market …..this just proves it…..the Royal House may be run by a corporation but the teddy bear is running this one….

  4. Surely you haven’t all forgotten about the Zionist “State”‘s actions during Covid, how their storm troopers invaded and injured people at weddings, and how those same brown shirts treat our brethren who are innocently minding their business, like the Chareidi guy in a mini-market whom the Zionist thugs brutalized, and on and on.

    As well, the British surely remember well how, pre-“State”, the Zionists went to war with, and literally terrorized, the British to force the British to give up their UN Mandate in then-Palestine so that the Zionists could take over.

  5. @Hakatan: Lots of our dear Zionist brothers and sisters were never bothered in the first place by those sick covid-era vids of the Zionist Nazis; this isn’t a matter of forgetting, unfortunately…

    On a separate note: I love her accent! And either she is an amazing actress or she actually had a change of heart, because her apology sounded so real to me (I mean that seriously).

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