DISGUSTING: CNN Publishes Antisemitic Cartoon Depicting Pesach Seder Surrounded by Blood

Some things are shocking but not surprising. This is one of them. The leftist CNN published a cartoon depicting Israeli Jews using antisemitic tropes, setting another new low for the failing network.

In an article titled “As Israel bans Palestinian flags, one artist protests with his brush,” CNN writer Abeer Salman wrote about a cartoonist who is protesting against Itamar Ben Gvir.

The article included a cartoon from a cartoonist who goes by “Mysh” which depicted a Pesach seder and Jews saying “bnei chorin anachnu” while enclosed by a cement wall surrounded by a sea of blood.

“If CNN needs to flirt with antisemitic tropes in order to report on controversial Israeli minister Itamar Ben-Gvir, what does that say about the network?” Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting and Analysis (CAMERA) research analyst David Litman asked.

“Salman seemed to go out of her way to not just include ahistorical swipes at the Jewish state, but also – in borrowing from centuries of antisemitic blood libels – associate the holiday of Passover with Jews benefiting from the shedding of blood of non-Jews.”

“Of all Mysh’s other cartoons, Salman chose to highlight one that depicts a Jewish family celebrating Passover, surrounded by a sea of blood. The imagery echoes multiple antisemitic themes and conspiracy theories,” Litman continued. “For one, it flirts with the ancient blood libel that Jews use the blood of non-Jews during Passover to bake matzah. For another, it plays on themes of Jews accruing benefits at the expense of the blood and freedom of others.”

(YWN World Headquarters – NYC)

30 Responses

  1. This is the blood of Jews throughout history who were slaughtered for keeping to their holy traditions, especially having Pesach seders in all kinds of horrible situations.

    מי כעמך ישראל!
    While surrounded by blood, they continue to cry out with pure faith: בני חורין אנחנו!

  2. Why is it antisemitic to describe Zionist oppression exactly as it is?

    It is obvious to anyone with at a least a bit of seichel that this cartoon has NOTHING to do with the Passover blood libels!! The sea of blood is representative of the ACTUAL REAL blood of the thousands of Palestinians murdered by the brutal Zionist occupation, not some false rumor of a Christian child murdered to bake his blood into matzos!!

    (although there is some fascinating research that lends credence to the fact that some blood libels may have had a factual basis. See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Passovers_of_Blood)

    And the fact that the Zionist apikorsim use icons of Torah & mitzvos to bolster their treife hashkafos is the fault of the Zionists, not Mr. Salman. As the brilliant professor Yakov Rabkin states: “The Zionist belief is that there is no G-d, but He gave us the Land of Israel.”

    to which I can only answer: RACHMONO LITZLAN!!!

  3. I wonder if CNN ever made the same comment about the “de facto” banning of the Confederate flag and of the statues of Confederate personalities etc.

  4. I don’t know any context. I am totally unfamiliar with Mysh, so I acknowledge that I may be way off base.

    That said, the cartoon seems to me to express a completely different idea – one that is not antisemitic at all.

    To me, it expresses the terrible situation of Israeli Jews.

    Ostensibly, they enjoy freedom, but in reality they are imprisoned within concrete security walls.

    Outside of these walls, they are targeted and murdered, and their blood flows like water.

    The cartoon mourns the irony of celebrating freedom while sacrificing it to preserve life.

    But, again, without context I may be misinterpreting the whole thing. CAMERA, and CNN itself, certainly seem to think so.

  5. Yossi Name Edited: I don’t believe that I would be off the mark if I say that you get all your opinions reading blogs and the like. It does not seem as if you have ever done any serious research. For future reference blood libels have been used by Christians against any party they view as heretical and have had zero basis in fact. The first blood libels were against the Montanists, a Christian ‘heresy’ and had nothing to do with jews. Later the idea was conveniently transfered over to Jews. It is nothing but a weapon in the Christian arsenal against any dissenter to them.

    The fact that you can even insinuate anything different is shocking and in poor taste and judgement. Are you going to posit too that since the Rothschilds were succesfull bankers and as Jews were engaged in usury, it must be too that the trope that Jews control the financial markets have some substance?

    Take a good and hard look at yourself and ask yourself why you seem to be predisposed to accept any anti semitic trope without much thought.

  6. Yossi,

    Some blood libels may have had a factual basis, based on a Wiki article? Do your family and Rabbeim in Midrash Shmuel also eat matzah made with blood? By promoting the greatest motzei shem ra which resulted in untold death and destruction, you have declared yourself an enemy of our people and of HKB”H. May you come to the same violent end as our enemies.

  7. To TheFakeMaven and GadlHadofi – first of all just CALM DOWN!! My reference about the matzah was just a sidenote, as it is in parentheses. It is completely tangential to the main post, and I did not express any agreement with the research at all, just awareness of its existence. If it offends you, just skip it.

    To GadolHadofi – the fact that you are cursing a fellow Yid ר”ל is unfortunate but not surprising, as your neshomo is severely contaminated with Zionism to the point where you feel uncontrollable rage towards anyone who challenges your Zionist idols.

    You are proof of what my long time mentors – the Neturei Karta – have written on their billboards: Jews are not Zionists and ZIONISTS ARE NOT JEWS!!!

  8. Yossi Name Edited,
    I strongly suggest that you check your yichus because I am sure it’s tainted. No yiddishe person can make such a statement.

    After you check to see whether you’re really Jewish, and believe me we all doubt that, I would suggest that you check your sanity for thinking that you could post something from Wikipedia as proof to anything. Any ignoramus, you should strive to be one one day because it’ll definitely be an improvement, knows that you can’t prove anything from Wikipedia because it’s open to everyone to write whatever they want. Facts don’t matter when it comes to Wikipedia. The same way facts don’t matter when it comes what you claim.

  9. Yossi whatever-your-name-is, I don’t believe you are actually a Jew. והגבעונים לא מבני ישראל המה. Your behavior shows that you are not a Jew, even if you spent time in a yeshiva and learned some Hebrew and Yiddish phrases. Probably your mother or grandmother was a Hungarian shiktzeh who never converted.

  10. What happened to all the “Chicken Littles” who just hope and wait for things like this to happen to tell us “Grab your passports and be SAFE in Israel”? They would be back in the US if their parents were not bankrolling them while they sanctimoniously preach to us.

  11. CNN represents and speaks for the democrat party. The democrats under the Biden administration are the party of civility and transparency.

  12. Yes, why, what an outrage that the site that just tried to get everyone to off themselves in a genetics experiment would publish something like that. Well I never.

  13. The only “rachmono litzlan” is Yossie Name Edited.

    You are exactly the type of person who stands with Arab terrorists and hugs them, thinking they are your friends when they will happily murder your wife and children. You have eyes, but you don’t see. You were given seichel, but you don’t use it. That is truly sad.

    You know nothing of those groups who love am yisrael, torat yisrael and eretz yisrael, because you only look in from the outside. They love Torah, they love H-shem. They also keep taryag mitzvos.

  14. @Yossi Name Edited WHy should he calm down? You just said a highly offensive statement to most people who read this here.
    On a side not your a laughing stock for just having brought “proof” from a wiki article…. YOUR A BIG IMBECILE AND A SERIOUS FOOL!!!

  15. YWN : i have a great idea.
    Lets have two separate formats. One for news with intelligent comments. AND ….a brand new forum for mud slinging, name calling, and degradation. Both seem to be popular. The latter will be entertaining as well. If we’re having both anyway why not double your ad revenue? I dont say this sarcastically. Thanks.

  16. @Yossi Name Edited “It is obvious to anyone with @ a least a bit of seichel…” that we live in a world devoid of seichel (apart from Torah) and shouldn’t assume obviously hateful rhetoric is anything but.

    Your opinion is rotten, your sources are rotten and you should feel rotten.

  17. To all my apoplectic critics – have you been so blinded by Zionist kochi ve’otzem yadi that you are so completely devoid of seichel? I did not mention the Wikipedia article as any sort of appeal to authority whatsoever. I referenced it because of a book written by an expert JEWISH (perhaps even religious) scholar WHO TEACHES IN BAR ILAN UNIVERSITY (so all of you Zionist lovers can kvell with nachas at his accomplishments for “Startup Nation”) who has conducted first hand research on the topic – something none of you armchair warriors have even lifted a finger for while you’re busy protecting the Jewish people on your keyboards 6000 miles away.

    And to mommamia22 – if the group that you are referring to are the “dati” leumi, I can only respond with what Yeshayahu Leibowitz z”l stated:

    “National Religious is not religious just like National Socialist was not socialist.”

  18. typical wicked anti-zionist רשעים responses coming from Yossi_Shtup and his ilk…

    ברוך שלא עשני נטורי קרתא

  19. @Berish: You can chose to stay in Shmutz La’aretz and never live in Eretz Yisrael for the rest of your life if you want – sacrificing this great mitzvah and convincing yourself that you are somehow justified in it even though א”י today is an empire of torah study and is a safe place open to yidden like it has never been for almost 2,000 years, but what you cannot do is continuously bash those who support Israel and the aliyah process like you have here and in previous comments. No one is “hoping” for bad things to happen to yidden in Ch”L so they could tell them to quickly come to Israel; most of us would rather all yidden make aliyah to live full rich torah lives in EY (the way hashem intended) for it’s own sake, regardless of the level of antisemitism taking place in Ch”L; such an accusation is stupid and completely groundless.

  20. @Baby Squirrel. Those of us who read the Comments Section in any Jewish Paper are used to the Aliyah people (there is nothing wrong with making Aliyah for those who wish to and don’t need mommy and daddy to pay for it while pretending to be independent). But we see over and over again that after any anti-Jewish incident, there is ALWAYS a letter of some hysteric telling us we better get our passports and flee the US now! Don’t tell us it doesn’t happen as it is very frequent. The last person to do so called himself “Square Root”. He oddly has not posted since the shul massacre. Plus it is disrespectful to our shita in America from people like Rav Moshe, Rav Avigdor Miller, and the Lubavitcher Rebbe who said it was not obligatory. Stay in the woodwork or show respect.

  21. The Zionist State is Zionist, not Jewish.
    It’s also a thug-ocracy, not a “State”.

    If CNN intended to insinuate any truth to the blood libel or intended anything against Jews, then that is disgusting.

    Other than that, the cartoon seems accurately anti-Zionist (nothing to do with Jews, though): a Zionist noted during WW II “Rak biDam tihye lanu haAretz”, as the reason for Zionist actions and inaction against Jews during the Holocaust which the Zionists literally worship.

  22. Todays zionists are the quintessential self hating jews. They so so so badly want their dear beautiful “jewish” state, but know so so well how fake it is. Knowing your’e a living oxymoron makes you hate yourself.

  23. Heads up my dear friends:
    I sincerely believe that Yossi is not a Jewish person.
    All over on American news sites, you can see pretty clearly that a lot of Russians and Chinese are posting comments and using the real American names.

  24. Yossi Name Edited:
    I hate to give you extra attention, but:
    You are a disgrace to Neturay Karta, of whom i am an ardent supporter.
    We do NOT agree with most of the things you are saying!
    As a proud member of Neturay Karta, someone who davens for the peaceful dismemberment of the Zionist State of Israel 3 times a day, i can clearly state that you are NOT one of us!
    The article you linked to (which i’m seriously surprised that YWN allowed it) contains nothing but extremely anti-semitic “historians” saying over their hate-filled anti-jewish biased version of events.
    Fact is: their god was killed by the Jewish court (or at least given over by them), according to Law of G-D (Deuteronomy 17: 8-13, possibly also chapter 13, if you believe their stories) which says to kill him in front of all people (which happens 3 times a year, one of them being on Passover). This lead to the “blood-sucking” narrative of the pagans. (add that to the Jewish House of David symbol of a mosquito from Bostenai, ayan sham – that’s where Ba’al Zevuv got associated with devils).
    They have been accusing jews of all sorts of these and other types of lies for millennia.

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