Olmert: We Must Expect Additional Bulldozer Attacks

bd.jpgIn a briefing to members of the Knesset Foreign Affairs & Defense Committee on Monday, Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that anyone who believes that we can continue living in the capital as we know it today, with 270,000 Arabs, must realize there will be additional bulldozer attacks. This he explained cannot be prevented.

Regarding Hizbullah, the prime minister stated confidently that the terror organization’s leader, Sheikh Hassan Nasrallah, has lost his self confidence and he cannot predict Israel’s response to anything he does.

“We must remember that a number of months have passed since the elimination of Imad Mughniyeh and he has not responded. It would appear our deterrence has prevented him from doing so,” stated Olmert.

Olmert does not expect any significant changes in the security situation along the northern border, stating at present, Hizbullah is too busy with internal political events in Lebanon.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

10 Responses

  1. This is the most bizzare statement that I ever heard a head of state say.
    Why do we have to expect the unexpected?
    Maybe if “they” knew to expect the unexpected we wouldn’t have to.
    Gee, I wonder what the internal politics at hezbollah looks like. What are the topics and what resolutions do they reach.
    Oh my , their leader lost his self confidence?!
    I feel terrible . We should feel for him until he gets it back so that he can make better rational and responsible decisions.
    May Hashem watch us and protect us.

  2. Has this guy lost mind? Or has this guy lost his will to survive? This all CAN all be prevented… Stop hiring those dirty bums period. There are plenty of immigrants from Russia, Ethiopia, India, and Chinese and so on in Israel that can do construction work. It’s unbelievable this guy is still in office!

  3. Actually, he’s right. Until and unless Israel is willing to a) mandate a moratorium on the hiring of Arabs; and b) revoke the Israeli cisizenship of those Arabs living in East Jerusalem (or at least come up with a plan to curtail their movement), there is no way to prevent anyone from getting behind the wheel of a bulldozer, car, bus, etc… and going on a rampage. To pretend otherwise is naive. If I wanted to take my car and drive into a crowd of people with the goal of killing as many as possible, no one can stop me until after I at least begin to do so. It’s essentially the same thing.

  4. 6#Lawman

    You Right. However that buffoon didn’t add that extra of revoking there citizenship and throwing them all the heck out. He said:

    “Prime Minister Ehud Olmert stated that anyone who believes that we can CONTINUE living in the capital as we know it today, with 270,000 Arabs, must realize there will be additional bulldozer attacks. This he explained cannot be prevented.”

    the keyword here is CONTINUE. As far as he concerned, he want’s give the whole captial back.

  5. Such a fool. He is only worried about how much money he will no longer get when is is eventually ousted. Beyond that…of course this can be stopped. We also have a solution to the unemployment problem in Israel…hire jews or anyone else who is determined to be loyal to Israel. Depriving arabs of jobs in Israel will not increase the inborn hate that they constantly demonstrate that they have of us.

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