A terrorist opened fire in a shul in Neve Yaakov, Yerushalayim, Friday night, killing 7 people and injuring 12 others, five seriously and moderately, in the worst terror attack since 2011.

The shooting attack occurred at the Ateret Avraham shul, when the terrorist opened fire as people were exiting the building.

After the first police car arrived at the scene, the terrorist fled but the police caught up with him and neutralized him at the exit of the neighborhood.

MDA paramedic Fadi Dekidek, who arrived first at the scene of the attack, said: “This is a very serious attack. We saw a woman and four men lying on the road. They suffered gunshot wounds and had no signs of life and we had to pronounce them dead on the spot. Five wounded victims, including a 70-year-old woman and a 30-year-old man in critical condition, were evacuated to Hadassah Har Hatzofim and Shaarei Tzedek Hospitals.”

MDA paramedic Noi Sadeh said: “When we arrived at the scene, we saw a number of injured people lying on the ground. We saw a 30-year-old man – unconscious with several gunshot wounds. We performed advanced resuscitation techniques on him and evacuated him to the hospital, where unfortunately the doctors had to pronounce him dead.”

Following the attack, Israel Police raised the alert level to the highest level, with officers working 12-hour shifts. The police asked the public to report any suspicious person or object to the police hotline 100 in real-time.

“This is one of the worst attacks we have encountered in recent years,” Shabtai said. “The terrorist came and shot everyone in his path. People who came to check and see what happened were also shot at that stage. He then got into the car and drove away about 300 meters. From the moment police were called, within five minutes a team of policemen who were at the intersection arrived, and the policemen shot at him and neutralized him.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem is keeping you updated on Motzei Shabbos.)

29 Responses

  1. BDE. Please list with “viewer discretion”, as gunshots can be heard, and knowing that seven people die with those gunshots, are terrible
    We should only hear besuros tovos

  2. Is it necessary to show videos that were made on Shabbos in Eretz Yisroel? We understand what happened, grieve for the dead and offer teffilos for wounded without the videos which don’t show anything noteworthy anyway.

  3. Hanas’ Fadi Ayash of Shuafat helped by other Jihado-fascists were looking to slaughter Jews, Ayash awaited praying Jews outside the synagogue and massacred at least 7. Hamas announced it was for the Jenin operation.. as uf tgey need a reason.. but failed to explain why there was a plot of a huge massacre which the opration in Jenin thwarded with Hashem’s help……

  4. Hashem should send a Refuah Sheleima to all those Yidden that got hurt ASAP.
    Please my dear friends and I am also talking to myself, we need to get united, we need to pass favorable judgment on a fellow Yid. We need to give people the benefit of the doubt. Also not Shmuzing in a Shul is a big plus.
    The generation of King Achav, they were not big learners and sitting in the Bais Medrash for several hours, most of them were not Frum. Hashem saved them from all the wars and they did not get hurt because———————————THEY WERE UNITED—NO LOSHON HARAH-NO FIGHTING AMONGST EACH OTHER—FRUM OR NOT FRUM-THEY ALL GOT ALONG WITH EACH OTHER

  5. If I have to log a protest every time Yeshiva World posts these videos I will. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO REASON A MERCIFUL JEW SHOULD BE POSTING VIDEOS OF JEWS BEING KILLED. It is sourced in a vacuous, disgusting disregard of human life, and is in blatant violation of the ideal that we Jews are ‘Baishanim, Rachmanim, Gomlei Chasadim’. Family members and friends are destroyed enough about the loss of those killed, they don’t need to have the pain compounded by the fact that thousands shared and viewed footage of their loved ones dying. Hope the clicks are worth it

  6. ערבי טוב זה ערבי מת!!!!!!
    Kahana was right we will have no Peace from these demons till there all exterminated like we do if we find bugs and kakoroches at home.
    Give them 30 days to leave and done deal. ✔️

  7. My son is right now in Neve Yaakov:- I need a list of the assassinated & injured right now IMMEDIATELY BEFORE going into שבת in America
    My son already survived Meron tragedy despite being right there, and I so absolutely hope he has survived this Neve Yaakov massacre too?????

  8. 147
    Your son
    All Our children
    All Our family are safe. Go to shabbos with Nachas.
    As I tried to see all the videos available as of now. Iran International news agency who is aligned with Israel and pro Israel had a live reporter on the scene describing basically everything we already know. There were no pedestrians in the live broadcast as earlier and we are all beside ourselves here. Crying while the enemies passing out candies and politicians just pass it as another day.

    The shul was at the area where there are building new railways.
    The name of shul is posted on JPost.

    The news is that Israeli medics did not arrive till after 20 minutes.
    No blaming games for now.
    Let’s just Tehilim now and over Shabbos.


  9. RABBOSAI, WAKE UP YIDDEN!! How many yidden will be murdered חס ושלום before you realize that the Zionists are just making the situation worse, not better??!! That because the Zionist leaders are being מתגרה באומות, Hashem is punishing the yidden exactly as the nevuah in Shir Hashirim states: אני מתיר את בשרכם כצבאות וכאילות השדה?

    And when will everyone finally realize that the Satmar Rav זצ”ל was right all along??!! That despite all of the kochi v’otzem yadi expressed by Itamar Ben Gvir שר”י by ascending Har HaBayis and massacring civilians in Jenin, Eretz Yisroel has witnessed the worst terror attack in more than a decade??!!


  10. HaKatan, you are mistaken. Neve Yaakov is a neighborhood WITHIN Jerusalem’s municipal borders.
    Unless you are a Peace Now empathizer, you should recognize Ramot, Ramat Shlomo, Neve Yaakov, Sanhedria Murchevet, Gilo and more as Jerusalem neighborhoods albeit over the Green Line. They are not settlements near Jerusalem.

  11. Time to revive the Biblical Jewish warrior spirit of old. Terrorists shouldn’t just be “neutralized”. They should be horrifically and gruesomely put down. Multiple head shots with hollow points. Decapitated. Disemboweled and dismembered. Torched to ash. Any act taken against a terrorist or it’s body immediately following an act of terrorism should be immune to prosecution. It should be judged as battle during a legal defensive war, not by civilian laws.

    Terrorists desecrate their own humanity with their actions and in doing so forfeit their rights to any dignity or respect. We need to fight terror on its own turf. Speak the language barbarians understand.

  12. @Yossi Name “That because the Zionist leaders are being מתגרה באומות” not sure where you get your “facts” from.

  13. @Yossi Name Edited
    You’re a lying, delusional bigot spewing disgusting nonsense. Your comments are a spit in the faces and on the graves of the six million kedoshim!

  14. I believe HaKatan knows full well that Neve Yaakov is part of the municipal borders of Jerusalem, he just doesn’t recognize it as legitimately Israel because it lies in the West Bank which the “evil zionists” seized/annexed or whatever as per the 1980 Jerusalem Law, as opposed to Israel proper. (which arguably he might not recognize as legitimate either…)

    @Yossi_Shtup: “THE SO-CALLED HOLOCAUST” are you kidding me?

    @kuchlefel: I totally agree.

  15. refoelzeev – my facts come directly from the Gedolei Yisroel themselves who were unanimous in condemning Itamar Ben Gvir שר”י for ascending Har HaBayis.

    CYM – why that’s exactly how I would describe Itamar Ben Gvir שר”י!

    Baby Squirrel – why are you bothered by my questioning the factuality of the “Holocaust” more than you are bothered by the horrible kefira, chillul Shabbos, and nonstop pritzus promoted by the Zionist State רחמנא ליצלן?? Are you not aware of the Chazal which states גדול המחטיאו יותר מן ההורגו?

  16. Yossi_Shtup, No one said I wasn’t bothered by the kefira, chillul shabbos, & pritzus talking place in Eretz Yisroel. In fact, I try to fight it as much as I can so that the country remains tahor, clean, and halachically in-line as much as possible. Also, the way to fix that is by influencing the Israeli public and teaching the secular chilonim about hashem & the torah the proper way through adequate patience and kiruv, and should have nothing to do with being against the State of Israel. the “Zionist State” does not deliberately promote Kefira, it is comprised though of Jews who do not understand the truth of the torah.

    but none of that whatsoever had anything to do with what I was responding to by the way,

    you are an actual Holocaust denier (as noted by you saying it was a “so called “Holocaust”” many times before in previous comments here on ywn…)

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