Barak Calls on America Not to Rule Out Military Option

ehud barak.jpgDefense Minister Ehud Barak, who is traveling to Washington for high-level meetings is calling on the US administration not to rule out the military option against Iran.

During recent weeks, Israel has received numerous messages from the US that the White House at present does not support a military strike against Tehran, despite the growing nuclear threat. Barak is working to persuade senior governmental officials not to rule out a military strike as a possible option.

US Chief of Joint Staff Admiral Michael Mullen laid out the possibilities of a military strike before President George W. Bush and Defense Secretary Dr. Robert M. Gates. As a result of American intelligence reports that Iran has not yet achieved nuclear independence, America remains opposed to a military strike at present. Mullen also points out that a military strike does not guarantee the elimination or cessation of Iran’s nuclear enrichment efforts.

In Israel, officials are aware that a strike against Iran does require American cooperation in a number of areas, including real-time intelligence data.

Barak will be meeting with Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor Stephen Hadley, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, and Admiral Mullen.

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

6 Responses

  1. You should be clearer in your headline. I thought for a moment that Barack Obama was saying that the US should not take the military option off the table, maybe you could have written MK Barak.

  2. Israeli intelligence reports, whether delivered by Mr. Barka or Mr. Netanyahu, have always ahead of America, but America does not heed the warnings until it’s too late. Even then, America botches things up. I suggest Mr. Barak wait until the new administration is situated in the White House if he expects any constructive, intelligent meetings in Washington.

  3. To Comment #2 CMB
    I feel your criticism of k9hara is unjustified. Although not every article, it is very common for news agencies to refer to people by their first names.
    Take for example the June 4th YWN headline title ” ABC NEWS: Hillary to quit race”, or the May 24th headline, “Hillary brings up kennedy assassination”. These are but two example of the media using first names instead of last.
    Saying that Mr. cmb is not bright borders on Lashon Hara and is not even true. Although admittedly I didn’t get confused, you still had no right to make fun of Mr. cmb, a loyal YWN reader.
    An apology would be in order.
    Thank you,
    Goldberg David

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