Jerusalem: 7-Year-Old Girl Injured By Stray Bullet From Shuafat

Bullet hole in Pisgat Ze'ev. (MDA)

Seven-year-old Hadar Sema was lightly injured on Shabbos by shards of glass that shattered in her home in the Pisgat Ze’ev neighborhood of Jerusalem after being hit by a stray bullet from nearby Shuafat.

Police officers arrived at the scene and investigators from the Jerusalem District Court Station began investigating the circumstances of the case. Police officers later raided Shuafat to search for the culprits.

The bullet grazed Hadar’s head but baruch Hashem didn’t penetrate it. She was treated by paramedics and evacuated to Hadassah Har Hatzofim Hospital in Jerusalem in light condition for further treatment. She was released later that day.

Hadar’s mother told Channel 12 News: “We’re still shocked by the situation,” she began. “The situation is very serious, this shouldn’t have happened. Hadar opened the door of our friends’ balcony and suddenly we felt a boom, a bullet that penetrated with an explosive sound of glass. Hadar was standing in the front by the door and it’s really a neis she was only lightly injured.”

“We were at the hospital and did a CT scan and an ultrasound. Baruch Hashem, she is fine but says she has a headache. It was really scary. The bullet reached the house and the bedroom. It was simply terrifying. All of us here are still shaking.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

2 Responses

  1. It must have been a sharpshooter.

    It’s extremely unlikely that this was wedding celebration shooting or stary bullet. The train and mountains wind would not have cary the bullet so far through and penetrated the elements and crape the brain of the child.

    But Israeli government tell you if they knew that.

  2. Stray Shmray! It was intentional. I used to live beneath Shuafat which is up on a hill. They are constantly plotting terror.

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