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Outrageous: Haaretz Equates Smotrich With Khamenei, Nasrallah & Abbas

The Israeli left-wing Haaretz newspaper published a caricature on Tuesday morning in which Finance Minister Betzalel Smotrich is pictured sitting together in a row with Supreme Leader of Iran Ali Khamenei, Hezbollah chairman Hassan Nasrallah, and Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas.

“A newspaper that puts enemies, terrorists, murderers, those working to destroy Israel and the country’s finance minister in the same row,” wrote Yehoda Vald, the director-general of the Religious Zionist party. “It’s not just a moral and ethical low but a crossing of a red line of serious incitement that could lead to the spilling of blood.”

“The blood will be on your hands. Have you gone crazy? Stop the campaign of incitement. Even if there’s a conflict between brothers, they’re not enemies.”

Yisrael Hayom journalist Yehuda Schlesinger responded to the caricature by stating: “Nasrallah, Smotrich Khamenei, and Abbas. Israel’s enemies in a row. Haaretz presents: filth, repulsion and total insanity.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

8 Responses

  1. Hire a good attorney & sue Haaretz newspaper for libel:- Smotrich is an excellent wonderful man, as is Ben-Gvir:- We are truly blessed with such wonderful people in our Israeli Government.

  2. this left wing paper should be sued.if everybody would be like Smotrich i srael would be a better state. then akk
    the leftist including haaretz

  3. all Goyem in Haaretz. ……sick and demented ….. what can you do….write little notes like this and trust that Bibi will listen to the man above….Haaretz should count their blessings…..or else they will be doing other

  4. How is it outrageous? Haaretz is a militantly secular newspaper, catering to a movement that views Orthodox Jews (whether in a streimel or a kipah srugah), consistently as “unser Unglück”. It shows that in their hatred of Jews, they don’t discriminate between “modern” and “chareidi”.

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