Shock In Shomron: Terrorists Open Fire At Home With 3 Children

Bulllet hole in the window of the Marom home on the Shaked yishuv in the Shomron. (Shomron Regional Council)

Palestinian terrorists opened fire at the Shaked yishuv in northern Shomron on Monday evening.

B’Chasdei Hashem, none of the family members were physically injured in the incident. One person was treated for shock

An IDF spokesperson said: “An attempted shooting attack occurred at the yishuv of Shaked in the Menashe Brigade area. After carrying out searches of the yishuv, a hit was identified on one of the homes. There were no casualties. IDF forces are searching the area for suspects.”

The shooting was the seventh attempted terror attack at Shaked in the past two and a half months, with the most recent one, also a shooting attack, occurring less than a month ago.

The shooting took place at the home of Limom Marom, a mother of three young children. “I’ve lived on the yishuv for 23 years, this is something that has never happened,” she said. “A few months ago, they hit the house next to me and in the last two months, they hit the yishuv seven times. It’s a neis that they didn’t harm anyone.”

“My biggest fear, the same as all of the residents here, is that this will become routine and no significant step will be taken to stop it, that chalilah, our children shouldn’t be harmed. I appeal to everyone who deals with the security issue here – do whatever is necessary. If it means closing villages, if it means firing back at them – do everything possible to stop it, because by a neis all these times there were no casualties, and I wouldn’t want them to wake up after someone is chalilah hurt here or killed. Don’t wait for our children to get hurt.”

The head of the Shomron Regional Council, Yossi Dagan, demanded that the government switch from defensive to offensive activity inside the Arab village from where terrorists have fired at the yishuv multiple times. “I’m supposed to come to the yishuv to discuss chinuch, not to see holes in the window of the kitchen where she and her daughters were supposed to eat a quiet family dinner. These nissim may run out.”

“There are too many incidents – this is the seventh time in a short period of time in Shaked. Everyone knows where the shots are fired from. Everyone knows who the Palestinian Authority is that encourages and incites this wave of terror. And everyone understands that the terrorists from the ‘Palestinian Authority’ are testing the new government, the new prime minister, the new defense minister, the new chief of staff. And all the citizens of Israel, not just the residents of the Shomron, expect the government not to fail this test.”

“We will not wait for casualties. This government should order the IDF to respond sharply, restore deterrence, and eliminate the terrorist infrastructure of the murderous ‘Palestinian Authority’ everywhere.”

(YWN Israel Desk – Jerusalem)

One Response

  1. So the left’s ((Lapid and co) massages of uprisings is slowly seeping through its intended audience and the attacks as you scroll up and down (ex. On bus and homes) are increasing.
    The big one is still to come. The EU funneling money to build homes and infrastructure in area C which under Oslo accord is totally under Israeli control but with left being in control and with corrupt judicial system the Arabs with funding of EU build homes, roads and what’s called here village.
    So hold on to your hats the Jewish Left’s has resurrected slow intifada.

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