Shin Bet Chief Reports on More Weapons & Ammo in Hamas Gaza

In his address to the cabinet on Sunday during the weekly government meeting, ISA (Israel Security Agency – Shin Bet) Chief Yuval Diskin reported that during the first month of the Gaza ceasefire, Hamas has successfully imported 50 anti-tank rockets in addition to 4 tons of explosives.

Diskin was strongly opposed to the ceasefire, fearing it would serve as a hiatus in fighting and would thereby permit Hamas to restock its armory, as is the case.

Regarding the recent terror attacks in the capital and the involvement of Jerusalem’s Arab residents, the intelligence commander stated the Shuafat Refugee Camp in Jerusalem’s jurisdiction is more dangerous than the refugee camp in Jenin.

Regarding eastern [predominately Arab] portions of the capital, he cited the lack of Israeli control and the absence of any deterrence in those areas. He spoke of the vacuum that existed, the lack of government and law-enforcement, pointing out that on the other side of the security fence there are also residents with Israeli identity cards. “The fence does not permit Jerusalem City Hall to supply services and the IDF and Israel Police are not operating to prevent arms trading.”

(Yechiel Spira – YWN Israel)

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